Girrolt Raxis was a Force-sensitive human male who lived during the twilight years of the Galactic Republic, and the subsequent reigns of the Galactic Empire and the New Republic. Born into nobility on the planet Corellia, at a very early age Raxis' innate potential in the Force was discovered and he was sent to the Jedi Order on Coruscant for training. Shortly after the conclusion of the Naboo Crisis in 32 BBY, Raxis began training under Togruta Jedi Master Shaak Ti, and ascended to knighthood in 26 BBY. Not long afterwards, he took on a Padawan of his own - the Nikto Beras Ukoli, and the two fought together at the Battle of Geonosis (which Ti also participated in). Unfortunately, Ukoli was one of the many casualties of the battle, which became the opening conflict of the Clone Wars.
Taking on the role of a Jedi General within the Grand Army of the Republic, Raxis led the 57th Assault Battalion alongside clone Captain Nevis. In 21 BBY he decided to train a second apprentice, a female Palliduvan named Zaresha Haav. The duo were on Mygeeto providing reinforcements to Jedi Master Ki-Adi-Mundi when Order 66 was executed. Haav, who was on a mission several miles away from her master, was immediately captured by Nevis, but Raxis managed to defeat his attackers and went into hiding on the crystalline planet for several days, before escaping Mygeeto secretly aboard a starship. Presumed dead by the newly-formed Galactic Empire, Raxis chose to go into exile on the jungle moon of Dxun, using the Force to gain the trust of the many ferocious beasts inhabiting it. While on the moon, a taskforce from the planet Onderon visited him, including a young Ithorian named Jensevas Terin. Noting the boy's Force potential, with the consent of his parents Raxis began to train Terin in the ways of the Force. The newly-formed master-apprentice duo returned to Onderon under the agreement that the influential Terin family protected Raxis and their son from the Empire. After a skirmish with several members of the Inquisitorius and the deaths of many of Jensevas' family members, they travelled to Dantooine, where they met up with Ongree Jedi Master and former High Councillor Coleman Kcaj, who was about to leave the planet to join the Alliance to Restore the Republic. Interested in the cause, the two joined up as well.
Alongside Kcaj, Raxis and Terin met up with Mon Mothma, the leader of the rebellion, and the two joined her as Jedi advisors. It was here that Raxis met Barriss Offee, another Order 66 survivor who had previously left the order after orchestrating a bombing of the Jedi Temple. The two had known and trained with each other prior to the Clone Wars, as their masters (Shaak Ti and Luminara Unduli) were good friends. Throughout the ensuing Galactic Civil War, the two went on several missions together and eventually fell in love. Following the defeat of the Empire at the Battle of Endor, Raxis supported Offee's decision to create the Grey Sentinels, a Jedi organisation focused on retrieving ancient Jedi and Sith knowledge. The two lived together on Coruscant, the newly-christened capital of the New Republic (of which Mothma was now Chancellor), and in 6 ABY Offee gave birth to their son - Jiad Raxis. They lived happily together until 12 ABY, when Offee was killed in the Unknown Regions on a mission for the Grey Sentinels. In order to protect himself and his son, Raxis elected to return to his homeworld Corellia, and became the new leader of the Grey Sentinels. During this time, he notably trained Chalactan Queran Diaj in the ways of the Jedi; Diaj would later go on to become the first Grand Master of the New Jedi Order. He continued in this position until 40 ABY, when the New Jedi Order was formed and he left the position to become a founding member of the Masters' Council, similar to the Jedi High Council of the old order. Terin was also a member of the council, and during this time he allowed his son to pass the ancient Trials of Knighthood to become an official Jedi. Prior to this, he had spent several years training him in the ways of the Force on Corellia.
Now an aged Jedi Master, Raxis rarely went on missions outside the Core Worlds but was once tasked with travelling to the ancient Sith homeworld, Korriban, alongside Master Terin to investigate a potential Imperial Remnant group present on the planet. Upon arriving on the world, the duo discovered that there was indeed a group of Imperial loyalists present on the planet, using the ancient Sith Academy as a base. Upon further investigation, Raxis discovered that his old apprentice long thought dead, Zaresha Haav, was leading the group and had become a Sith agent. Cybernetically enhanced, she was barely recognisable but the two had a long conversation within the academy before Haav unexpectedly stabbed him with her crimson lightsaber. Terin was captured and imprisoned by the group as Raxis' corpse was thrown into the Valley of the Dark Lords to be consumed by k'lor'slugs. His legacy was continued by his son Jiad, who would eventually rise to become Grand Master of the New Jedi Order.