Star Wars Fanon

You don't have to go."
"No, I do have to go, because you have to become a Jedi. You have gifts, Jeden, gifts that no others have!

—Jeden and Gini before the latter left the Order.

Gini Reyall was a Human female and a Padawan of the Jedi Order. Born on Coruscant to a Senator and a businessman, Gini was well spoken and grew up training to be a Senator, before she her Force abilities were discovered and she was brought to the Jedi Order. Put in a class of five other pupils under Master San-Ha-Vin, Gini met another Intiate named Jeden Vesal, who she would later start a romantic relationship with.


Early life[]

Gini was born on Coruscant in an upper-class family: her brother was an ambassador to the Hutt Cartel; her mother was the Senator for Coruscant; and her father was a wealthy businessmen specializing in home utilities. Gini was home-schooled by a trained, private teacher, and her parents had aspirations of her becoming a Senator like her mother. However, at the age of six, Gini's teacher learned that she was Force-sensitive, a new trait in the family, and pleaded that Gini be inducted into the Jedi Order. When the parents refused and tried to keep it secret, the teacher contacted the Jedi Council themselves, and Gini, despite being quite old for an inductee, joined the Jedi Order on Coruscant.

Gini was placed in the Initiate class of San-Ha-Vin, an aged and experienced Cerean Jedi Master who had taught Initiates for decades. Gini was part of a unique class of "late bloomers" into the Order, comprising of Force-sensitive children who either hadn't shown their Force usage until a few years after birth, or had not been discovered by the Order until then. The class included another Human, a boy called Jeden Vesal; a Nautolan boy named Kit Fisto; a Rodian girl called Gwanno; a Torguta boy called Jiin La; and a Rattataki boy named Sun Jovin. Gini was the second-oldest of the class, being a month younger than Jeden.

Jedi Order[]

Life as a Youngling[]

From the ages of 6 to 14, the class were Initiates: the first rank of the Jedi Order, where the children would learn about the history of the Order and it's basic philosophy. Gini soon showed to be an examplar student, and stood out in the class, rivalled only by Jeden and Kit. While they were academically better, Gini showed a detailed understanding of Jedi teachings, though there soon showed to be signs of trouble after she saw her parents try to enter the Jedi Temple, only to be turned away by the Jedi guards. Distraught, even at the age of just ten, Gini attempted to run away and reunite with her family, though Master Vin, with some help from Jeden and Gwanno, managed to convince Gini to stay in the Temple and to keep training to become a Jedi.

Gini continued along the path of being a Youngling, and upon reaching the age of 14, was now in a position to be taken on as a Padawan to a Jedi Knight or Master. Chosen by Jedi Council member Yaddle, a member of Yoda's species, Gini began her training as a Padawan, and it seemed apparent from the start that she would take a passive role as a healer or a diplomat, likely because of her young tutelage into becoming a Senator.

Padawan life[]

Gini and Master Yaddle were often away from Coruscant, completing diplomatic missions and even doing some exploration across the many sectors of the galaxy. One such incident almost cost the pair their lives, after they were trapped in a nebulaic cloud and were left exposed to the gases, which put them in a hallucinogenic and comatose state, though they were rescued by Master Vin and Jeden, who was Vin's Padawan. This would not be the first time that Gini and Jeden would meet away from the Temple, and was the start of a relationship that began to blossom between the two Padawans.

At the age of 17, Jeden and Gini both entered a short period of time where they remained at the Temple to study, during which they confessed their love for one another. Jeden was reluctant to enter a relationship, knowing that if anyone discovered that it existed, both Padawans faced expulsion from the Order. Gini, after some time, convinced Jeden to agree to a relationship, though they agreed to keep it secret, only meeting at night on the roof of the Temple, where the Temple security didn't patrol.

Disillusion and abandoning the Order[]

For the next two years, Gini found herself growing distracted from her tasks. Beginning to grow more idle, she lost the will to study or try, and it soon became apparent to her that she didn't want to become a Jedi, fearing the responsibility of the role and the work she would have to do. Jeden was the first to notice this, and tried convincing Gini to stay comitted to the Order, though Gini seemed too reluctant. Jeden was tempted to tell Master Yaddle, though worried that if Yaddle investigated, she may learn about Gini and Jeden loving each other, and so decided not to.

Despite her lack of effort, Gini passed her trials, though not with flying colours like Jeden. On the night before they were to be knighted, Gini met with Jeden on the roof once more. She told him that she had decided to leave the Order, as she feared that if anyone discovered their relationship, Jeden may lose his chance to become a Jedi Knight, and so for his sake, she would leave. After a final night together, Gini left for the nearest spaceport and left Coruscant in a Jedi starfighter. Kit, who had known about the relationship for some time, served as Jeden's alibi when the Masters asked about Gini vanishing, and so her abandoning of the Order was seen as a strike of nerves, which the Council admitted "They could do nothing about at this stage". Jeden went on to become a Jedi Knight.


First few weeks[]

For around a month, Gini laid low in the Outer Rim. While she kept her old equipment with her - including her lightsaber - she never used it or let it on show in public, worried that if a Jedi noticed her, she would be forced to return to the Order. Luckily, she managed to hide her starfighter when on any planets, though even this grew to be too much of a risk, and so Gini set off away from the hyperspace lanes, eventually stumbling upon the ancient, mysterious moon of Yavin 4. Her landing on the planet almost killed her, after a stray storm launched her starfighter into an ancient temple.

Surviving the crash, Gini explored the temple, and deemed it a good place to live. However, Gini had forgotten that Yavin 4 was once a place of great power, as it was the burial ground for dozens of ancient Sith Lords, and whilst roaming the inner caverns of the temple, Gini was taunted by spirits to breaking point, eventually succumbing to the dark side. Dreaming of capturing Jeden and forcing him to also succumb to the dark side, Gini was still trapped on Yavin 4 without transportation, and her equipment was also damaged in the crash, and so for over a decade, she remained on Yavin 4.

Return to the galaxy[]

By 18 BBY, the galaxy had changed dramatically. The Clone Wars had torn the galaxy apart, and in it's end, Supreme Chancellor Palpatine had revealed himself to be a Sith Lord, enacting Order 66. The Order started a genocide that almost exterminated the Jedi Order, and whilst the surviving Jedi went into hiding, the Republic was reformed into the Galactic Empire. Gini, who was trapped on Yavin 4, had no knowledge of these events, though she would soon learn of them, as that year, a light corvette bearing Jedi and Republic insignia landed on Yavin 4, carrying two Jedi: Jeden, now a Jedi Master and fugitve of the Empire; and his former Padawan, the Jedi Knight Koses Lik-Har.

Jeden had been drawn to the moon as he passed by it, whilst commanding the three-cruiser fleet of the 44th Special Forces Division - a unit of Clones which had disobeyed Order 66 and now followed Jeden and Koses into hiding. Travelling to Yavin 4 with Koses, Jeden knew something was wrong upon landing, and after some roaming, found the wreckage of Gini's starfighter, remembering it to be the one that went missing the day after Gini left the Temple in 32 BBY. At that point, Gini emerged from the Temple, and was obviously a changed woman.

With her corruption, Gini had gained new powers, and Jeden's continued love for Gini proved to be his weakness. Capturing the Jedi Master in a trance, Gini planned to keep him in the temple until he succumbed to her state, but her plan was stopped by Koses, who was unaffected by the darkness in the Temple and Gini's trancing power, as not only had he never met Gini, but he had also withstanded the power of the dark side after growing up among a dangerous dark side faction. After a short lightsaber duel, the extremely skilled Koses knocked out Gini and snapped Jeden out of his trance, who decided that Gini should be brought back to the fleet of the 44th to heal and recover.

Gini was placed under Jeden's personal care, and upon awaking on Jeden's flagship, had no memory of the past 14 or so years. Jeden was forced to tell Gini about how Kit, as well as another childhood friend, Liko Eil, had both died in Order 66, and how Master Vin had passed from old age a few days after, as well as the crumble of the Jedi Order. Gini was extremely upset, though Jeden reminded her that the Jedi "weren't gone just yet", and offered for her to remain among the 44th. She accepted, though for the time being, the two agreed that a relationship was out of the question.


Personality and traits[]

Gini was popular mostly for her generosity. Selfless in practically every respect, Gini always avoided putting herself first. During her training to become a Jedi Knight, Master Yaddle observed that Gini helped the less-fortunate on every world they visited, regardless of the mission or the current situation. Even when she found herself slipping in commitment, she made it a goal, and her one motive behind leaving the Order was to ensure that Jeden succeeded in becoming a Jedi Knight without issue, showing how far she would go to help others, even if it was at the detriment to herself.

Gini was a changed woman when under the corruption of the dark side. Becoming jealous and hateful, her only passion was to see Jeden again, solely so that he could be corrrupted to the dark side and join her in exile, presumably for life. Upon her recovery and rescue from Yavin 4, Gini returned to her old personality, meaning that the corrupted side of her may not have been her, and might instead have been a restless Sith spirit.

Gini loved Jeden since they were teenagers, and this love persisted throughout her exile. Despite later acknowleding the risks of the relationship, Gini was the one who truly started the relationship after she convinced Jeden to go forward with it. Later on, she realized that the relationship they had was causing more harm than good, and so despite Jeden's protests, abandoned both Jeden and the Jedi Order, hoping that by doing so, there would be no risk of Jeden losing his chance to become a Jedi Knight, a prediction which seemed correct.

Physical characteristics[]

Short, slim and slender, Gini was beautiful even to most Jedi. Possessing fair skin, pale-blue eyes and blonde hair, it was Gini's appearance that first caught the eye of Jeden, though her later grew to love her more due to her personality. Gini's beauty also caused her some annoyance, attracting lots of unwanted attention from desperate men in Outer Rim cantinas, which she was forced to put up with due to her reluctance to create attention. Even into her early 30's by the end of the Clone Wars, Gini still looked youthful and beautiful.

Gini wore standard, lightly-coloured Jedi attire during her time in the Order. Whilst avoiding a robe, she did wear a tunic, along with soft shoes and a utility belt, which was lost in the crash on Yavin 4. During her exile, she stored these clothes away and chose more 'average' clothing to blend in with the galaxy's usual citizens. During her time on Yavin 4, she crafted darkened clothing which better represented her new personality, and finally went back to her old Jedi clothing upon her rescue from Yavin 4.
