Star Wars Fanon
Star Wars Fanon

Gila Yarg was a male Tarasin Jedi master who lived during the waning years of the Galactic Republic.


In 40 BBY, Gila Yarg trained the young Lone Madierre in the Jedi temple where he was amazed how he she could control her emotions. Gila was proud of his apprentice, and trained her for several years until she passed the Trials of Knighthood.

In 31 BBY, Yarg attended the SoroSuub Anniversary celebration in the city Tolea Biqua on the planet Genarius. He was one of a number of Jedi representing the Almas Academy, a Jedi academy located on the nearby planet Almas, during the event.

Eleven years later during the Clone Wars, Gila Yarg served as general in the Grand Army of the Republic where she fought in the Second Battle of Naboo. He was killed in the battle when he confronted Grievous in the Naboo forest.
