Star Wars Fanon


Ahsoka the Togruta was sitting on the edge of the fountain, her book perched on her knees over her robes. She had taken to wearing robes these days in the Coruscant winter. She scratched her shoulder, scowling slightly. Why must they always be itchy?

Finally, she gave up with her book, and placed it in her shoulder bag and moved off. She played with her right head-tail slightly, not really sure where she was wanting to head to. Maybe the sparring arena? Or the Archives? She thought to herself. She shook her head slightly and closed her eyes for a second. Sparring Arena it was then.

Taking a left at the statue of a famous Jedi, she wandered towards the sparring area of the temple, and she could hear, already, fighting coming from down the hall.

"Stop it Luisa!" Someone was shouting.

Ahsoka raised her white marked eyebrows and rushed towards the nearest sparring hall. There was a duel going on, and she could see over the heads of the crowds, surrounding two Padawans that were fighting, rather aggressively, at each other. One was a human female, with light hair and a yellow sabre, and the other was a Togruta, with red skin and curved head-horns, wearing a top that covered her upper half of her body and three-quarter length shorts and sandals. The light haired girl, who Ahsoka knew was called Palma Espa, was dodging the Togruta's blade, continuingly saying, "Enough Luisa! Stop it, you're hurting me!"

"Oh stop being such a baby Palma!" Luisa was hissing at her, her black eyes full of cunning and evil. "You wanted to duel, so we're dueling!"

"Not like this!"

Ahsoka watched as Luisa struck Palma in the nose, breaking it and causing blood to appear. The moment distraction was all Luisa needed to disarm her of her sabre, and she held her blade to the girl's neck. "Wonder what Master Ti would say about you now runt?"

Palma burst into tears, and instantly, the crowd began shouting insults at Luisa who laughed at each of them in turn. "Yeah, because you're all too chicken to fight me, aren't you?"

The crowd became quiet, and Luisa picked up Palma's sabre from the ground, triumph on her face. "Mine now. Thanks Palma, but a bet is a bet!"

"You bitch!" A male Twi'Lek snapped at her, taking Palma into his arms. "Wait until master Windu hears about this!"

"Why don't you fight me Tal?" Luisa snarled at him. "One on one?"

"I don't fight anyone who fights dirty," Tal snapped at her. Ahsoka could sense the anger coming off the pair of them now, and she instantly shoved through the crowd, a frown on her face.

"Leave them alone Luisa," She said dangerously.

Luisa turned to her, and bore down on her; she was a few inches taller that Ahsoka, but was exactly the same age as her. "Well well, if it isn't Ahsoka Tano, Padawan of the fabled Chosen One" She jeered.

"Give Palma her sabre back or you'll suffer." Ahsoka told her. Luisa frowned slightly, but she suddenly snarled, "Or what?"

Ahsoka pulled her cloak off, revealing her sabre at her belt. "I'll duel you."

Luisa smiled at her. "Alright. I'll accept your challenge. What's the deal?"

"If I win, you give Luisa back her light sabre, and never bother anyone again. If you win, you get my sabre as well. Deal?" Ahsoka held out her hand. Luisa stared at it for a moment, and took it. Instantly, Ahsoka acted; she flipped Luisa onto her back, causing Palma's sabre to go spinning out of her hand towards its owner. Ahsoka stood over Luisa, hands on hips, and said, "Not impressed Luisa."

Luisa stood, and ignited her sabre, the red blade humming low as she turned to Ahsoka, rage on her face. "You'll pay for that!"

Ahsoka ignited her own blade and parried her blow. The blades hummed loudly as the red and green connected. Ahsoka pushed her blade, causing Luisa's to go to the right, away from her. They raised their blades again, striking effortlessly at each other. Ahoska parried Luisa's next blow, and they were forced to push themselves away. Ahsoka flipped and landed in a crouch, blade behind her in her usual hold, while Luisa held hers above her head. Rage and annoyance was starting to vibrate off her. Ahsoka waited for her to make a move; patience, she was taught by Obi-Wan, patience is what makes a Jedi conquer another. Finally, Luisa ran at her, and Ahsoka reacted, side-kicking her and tripping her up. Grabbing her sabre hand, Ahoska twisted it out of her hand, and kicked it away. Luisa was holding her arm, where Ahsoka's hand was just there, as though in pain. Suddenly, she pushed Ahsoka away, and called her sabre back. Ahsoka was prepared for her, and parried, pushing her away...


They broke apart, Ahsoka holding her blade high, and Luisa doing the same. Instantly, the crowd scattered, as Obi-Wan and Mace Windu ran towards them, sabres drawn, the white-blue blade and purple blade held up high, in case they needed to enter the fray. Obi-Wan was looking annoyed, and Mace Windu was looking furious. "Extinguish your blades," He ordered them, "Both of you!"

Ahsoka lowered her blade instantly, and placed the hilt on the ground. Luisa did the same, though hesitantly. Mace stared at each of them in turn, and said, "Now, what happened?"

"It was her fault," Luisa moaned, bursting into tears. "She attacked me!"

"Liar!" Ahsoka shot at her "Look what you did to Palma!"

Obi-Wan instantly walked to the light haired Padawan, and said to the twi'lek boy, "Take her to the medics, then come back, understood?"

"Yes Master Kenobi," Tal said, helping Palma to her feet, "Come on Palma."

The girl kept her gaze lowered when she passed Luisa, and they disappeared around the corner. Obi-Wan turned to Ahsoka, "Now, what happened?"

"I heard fighting from one of the halls, and I was going to watch. I saw Luisa here fighting Palma, and she struck her nose, breaking it. I intervened, saying that if I won, Luisa was to give Palma her sabre back and not bully anyone again. She agreed, and we fought." Ahsoka said instantly to him. Mace nodded, and turned on Luisa, "Stop it right now; crying gets you no-where."

Luisa lowered her hands, and glared at Ahsoka. "Right," Obi-Wan said, his voice suddenly full of authority, and Ahsoka could see the general side of him coming through. "You have just earned yourself a detention, Padawan Luisa. I will see if Master Yoda will let you mop the fountain room tonight." He checked the clock on the wall. It was 20. 05. "Go do it now."

Luisa gave a huff, and walked off (Or rather stormed off). Ahsoka heard Mace give a sigh, and he walked off, leaving her and Obi-Wan alone. Obi-Wan powered down his sabre, and stowed it back on his belt. Ahsoka picked hers and her belongings up. "Sorry Master Kenobi," She finally said, breaking the silence between them.

"For what?"

"I know I should have told someone, but it just seemed like a good idea at the time."

Obi-Wan nodded, and they walked away, with him closing the hall door and switching off the lights behind him. "You did what you thought was right. If I was your master, I would understand."


"Of course." Obi-Wan said, pulling his robes around him a bit tighter. "Although, I want you to promise me something young one."

"Yeah?" Ahsoka said, staring up at him. She suddenly noticed how old he was beginning to look; his hair was starting to get flecks of grey, and some lines were starting to appear on his face.

"Try to sort your foot-work out." He said, smiling at her. Ahsoka gave him a light shove and rushed off back to her quarters. Obi-Wan watched her go, and felt a hint of sadness, as he saw a young Anakin rushing away from him.

A shame that you may never see her again a menacing voice sounded in his head.

Obi-Wan jumped around, staring around for the source of the voice. There was no-one else in the corridor; just him. He shook his head, and moved off. When he was gone, a ghostly figure appeared from the wall. He had his hood up, but his hair was visible underneath it. It glowed like light.

The Phantom moved off, heading towards the Fountain Room.
