Genko Chalu was a male Mon Calamari who served the Alliance to Restore the Republic as a doctor and field medic.
Personality and traits[]
I had a good life and a respectable practice. A successful Core Worlds clinic, nurses and junior staff beneath me, a loving wife and family. Kid, grandkids, the whole lot. But after the occupation, I got to thinking. I could do more good out here. I like to think of it as, ah... frontier medicine.
—Genko Chalu
Genko was an animated and amiable man.
Despite being a doctor, and against his own advice to patients, Genko was known to smoke Chandrilan cigarras from time to time. He also enjoyed whiskey.
Physical description[]
Genko was an older Mon Calamari male, with prominent and droopy barbels on his upper lip that were reminiscent of a mustache. His goggle-like eyes were orange-yellow and his skin was blue-gray, with a cream colored face and neck.
Skills and abilities[]
As a doctor, Genko was talented in diagnosing and treating wounds or sicknesses, and had formidable knowledge on a variety of alien physiologies.
Genko carried a DH-17 blaster pistol for self-defense.