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Rise of the Empire era
The author of this page is Ocarina451

Gen, originally designated CC-4142 and known as "Lock" during the Clone Wars, was a clone trooper captain who served in the Grand Army of the Republic during the Clone Wars. Originally serving under Jedi Master Eeth Koth as captain of Horn Company, he was transferred to serve under another Jedi Master, whom he later shot down under Order 66. His company was then assigned to destroy a Separatist outpost on the Outer Rim world of Siskeen; however, the mission failed, as his men were caught in an ambush, then bombarded by a long-range mortar firing from the Separatist base. The captain was injured in a resulting explosion and left for dead by the battle droids, but he survived the attack and destroyed the base before making his way off the planet. He was counted as MIA in the records of the newly formed Galactic Empire.


Clone trooper captain CC-4142 was cloned from the Mandalorian bounty hunter Jango Fett and born on Kamino 10 years before the Battle of Geonosis.

One year after the Battle of Geonosis, Jedi General Eeth Koth's Venator-class Star destroyer Steadfast was attacked by General Grievous and his battle droids. During the engagement, Lock reported to Koth that they were being overrun, and the Jedi Master ordered Horn Company to board the ship's escape pods. Lock and his men landed on the planet Arda I, where they were later picked up and returned to the GAR.


Some time after this event, Lock was transferred from Horn Company to the command of another Jedi General. While fighting in one of the Outer Rim Sieges on Ryloth, his clone commander was issued Order 66. Alongside the rest of the troops, Lock helped kill the Jedi Master. He later fell prey to a deep sense of guilt; although he repeatedly tried to rationalize his actions, Lock began to feel that they had been wrong.

In the confusion following Order 66, the regiment was split up and Lock's company was hastily assigned to the Outer Rim world of Siskeen to clean up a Separatist outpost there. The company was lured into an ambush, and quickly became engaged with Separatist battle droids. While they were outnumbered, a heavy mortar from the nearby outpost opened fire, effectively obliterating the company; however, Lock survived, although injured. Coming back to consciousness after being caught in an explosion, he managed to destroy the mortar and the surrounding terrain with some well-placed explosives in revenge.

Lock then left the planet without leaving any other indication that he had survived, prompting the now-Imperial Army to declare him "missing in action". Deserting the army went against all Lock's former training and principles; he later said that he felt as though something inside him had snapped that day. The disillusioned trooper ended up on a nearby desert planet in the Outer Rim, questioning life and his sudden lack of purpose. At some point he joined the Rebel Alliance and took a new name, "Gen".

Powers and Abilities[]

Like all clone captains bred on Kamino, Gen was trained in both squad and company-level tactics, and could handle a 74-Z speeder bike, as well as using numerous blasters and explosives. During the Clone Wars he led Horn Company and had four lieutenants under his command.


Gen's Phase I clone trooper helmet was equipped with a visor. His armor had green markings and the yellow-green Horn Company symbol, which he kept after his transferral. The captain was a bit of a traditionalist and kept his Phase I armor after the Phase II came into use, preferring functionality over comfort and looks. In combat during the Clone Wars he used thermal detonators and a DC-15S blaster carbine. Gen kept the blaster after deserting the army, along with his helmet and various parts of his armor.


Sands of Time
