Star Wars Fanon

GeNodes were clandestine state-run cloning facilities under the command of the Galactic Republic and later the Galactic Empire.


Before the rise of the Galactic Empire, GeNode cloning was authorized and allowed, as since there was no lawa against cloning. However, when the Galactic Empire came to power, GeNode cloning and all other forms of cloning, were publicly banned. Emperor Palpatine, ordered that about 40% of the stormtroopers that served in the Stormtrooper Corps, be cloned from GeNode cloning facilities, and done in secret. At least four Prime Clones were used in the GeNode cloning process.


GeNodes cloning were a unique from Cloning technology. GeNode clones were in one way, unaware that they were clones, even though they looked and communicated with other clones of the same template. They were programmed with, or developed on their own, individual names and detailed memories of fictional lives and histories. Other psychological programming included the inability to retire from or betray the Empire and an inability to discuss cloning with other clones. They were also given Flash-training excercises to teach them about their subjects, and also to impart real "memories", during their training to prepare themselves to be an exact replicate of a person.

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