Star Wars Fanon

Garm Bel Iblis was a Human male who served as the Senator of Corellia during the final days of the Galactic Republic. He went on to become a founding member of the Rebel Alliance and served as a general in the New Republic.



Born on Corellia, the patriotic Garm Bel Iblis came to represent his homeworld in the Galactic Senate in 35 BBY.[1] When Palpatine was elected Supreme Chancellor, Bel Iblis became one of the Naboo man's more vocal critics.[2]

In the years leading up to the outbreak of the Clone Wars, Bel Iblis and Corellia's reigning Diktat invoked the Contemplanys Hermi, a clause in the Republic's constitution that allowed Corellia to withdraw from its senatorial duties in regards to the Military Creation Act. This move drew much criticism out of fear that Corellia would secede and join the Confederacy of Independent Systems.[3] Ultimately, the act was passed and the Republic was soon at war with the Separatists. While Bel Iblis opposed the war, Corellia remained loyal to the Republic and Bel Iblis assembled his own personal militia to defend worlds in the Mid Rim from Separatist forces.

At the end of the conflict, Bel Iblis's fears regarding Palpatine bore fruit when the Chancellor declared himself Emperor and reorganized the Republic into the Galactic Empire.[4] Bel Iblis continued to represent Corellia in the Imperial Senate, although his and other senators' roles were merely advisory, with the Emperor's word being final.[5] His marriage also became strained as his wife Arrianya was a firm supporter of the Empire.[6]

It was not long before Bel Iblis's stance against Emperor Palpatine made himself a target. While on Anchoron in preparation for a speech at the Treitamma Political Center, Bel Iblis met with a man named "Aach" who provided him with a message from Bel Iblis's friend Bail Organa warning of a deadly weapon being constructed by the Empire. Moments later, the Treitamma Political Center was bombed and Bel Iblis's family perished in an explosion that had been meant for him.[6]

New Republic[]

In 10 ABY, General Bel Iblis was stationed aboard the Protector and was present for the Battle of Had Abbadon.[7] The following year, he was named Supreme Commander of the Defense Force following the apparent death of Admiral Ackbar.[8]


Notes and references[]

  1. The Essential Guide to Warfare
  2. The Last Command Sourcebook
  3. HoloNet News
  4. Episode III Revenge of the Sith
  5. Dark Lord: The Rise of Darth Vader
  6. 6.0 6.1 Interlude at Darkknell
  7. Rise of the Dark Empire
  8. The Emperor's Wrath