Star Wars Fanon

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The GSB is the frontrunner of military and technological development. Grants have been issued, of course, that will help modernize our military for whatever will come our way.
Gargan the Abominable

The Gargan Science Bureau (GSB) was a research department of Gargan's Empire responsible for the research and development of civil and military technology such as droids, equipment, small arms, facility components, and armed starships. It fell under the Tower of Technology, being overseen by a Proctor of the Order of Gargan. However, it was also closely affiliated with the Armada of the Red Sun through its military branch, Gargan Munitions. The GSB's patronage was House Royce, who controlled the Royceton Institute - the foremost academy where most GSB scientists got their education through its Faculty of Science.

Its most famous and major products were the Heighliners, a type of Star Dreadnought commonly used by the Empire, which played a key role in the modernization and rapid rearmament of the Garganese military. They also developed several weapons and ground vehicles for the military, such as the Gargan Multi-Terrain Heavy Assault Vehicle or lasguns, a type of blaster known for its continuous-wave projectiles which required no reloading. Through one of its most famous scientists, Dr. Lurst Afard, the GSB also invented the Afardi pistol, a type of handheld weapon that could fire poison darts.
