Star Wars Fanon
We do not pay in credits, here. We pay in Honors, and nothing less.

The Gargan Imperial Honor, simply called a honor, colloquially referred to as Imperial goldies, was the main currency used in Gargan's Empire, as opposed to the more widely used Galactic Credit Standard. The Imperial honor was first introduced by Gargan the Conqueror following his ascension as the new King of Myrra in 2320 BBY.

The Gargan Imperial Honor had an immense value throughout most of the Empire's existence. Its backing by the InterGalactic Banking Clan proved to be instrumental in bringing the Imperial honor onto the wide galactic market, even allowing the Imperial honor to be used as currency outside of the Empire's borders - though the Galactic Republic did not outright recognize its usage early on.

Gargan Imperial Honors had the size of a gold coin, with the symbol of Gargan's Empire stamped on the back and the image of Gargan the Conqueror stamped on the opposite side.
