Star Wars Fanon

Master Yoda is great. He is full of knowledge and would make a great master for any Jedi.
—Galen Marek on Yoda

Galen Marek was a Jedi Master who was also the apprentice of Yoda.


Clone Wars[]

In 22 BBY, Marek was considered by most of the Jedi Council too important to get involved with the Clone Wars, but Yoda found that his Padawan was considered too young by most, but would pass the Jedi Trials throughout the war and would grow ready and mature for what the Clone Wars would provide. Galen was part of the Battle of Geonosis and was one of the few Jedi to survive. He even was one of the Jedi who traveled with Ki-Adi-Mundi to Hypori.

Even though he was rumored killed along with Juno Eclipse, he was actually wounded, but fooled Grievous and then fled. He returned to Coruscant two years later just as Grievous and the Separatists were invading the planet. He participated in the ground battle and survived. He was now in charge of training Padawans and younglings since Yoda had declined for the remainder of the Clone Wars. Marek had hired security for the Jedi Temple and was promoted Jedi Master.

Padawan learner[]

During a visit by Bail Prestor Antilles, Marek was one of the Jedi to discover Bail's daughter Leia. Bail wanted to keep his daughter away from the war, but Yoda allowed Leia to be trained as a Jedi Knight, despite being too old. Marek was permitted to be her master. At first, Bail did not trust the wise Marek, but his thoughts changed after Marek defended his pupil from a Sith Acolyte named Darth Vader.

Behind the scenes[]

Galen Marek is a light side version of the main character from The Force Unleashed. In the games, Galen Marek is voiced once again by Sam Witwer, who also provides the character's appearances. An upcoming novel series about Bail Prestor Antilles by Yodakenobi will explore the relationship between Bail and Galen, the new identity of Lord Vader, and explain about Marek's training of Leia.


Alternate Universe
