The Galactic Zombie Genocide was a war that took place after the Yuuzhan Vong Invasion.
The Beginning[]
Slaughter Cult of Malachor V[]
As the galaxy began to enter a new age of peace and prosperity, a demonic flame of terror was building on Malachor V. An organization known as the Cult of Slaughter had been traveling the galaxy and butchering people of all species for experimentation. Their bodies were brought back to Malachor V, where the Cult's leader, Lord Cyther, conducted demented, force-fueled experiments on the dead with hopes of creating a soulless, undead slave that could be manipulated.
Travel to Yavin[]
After thousands of failed experiments, Cyther finally discovered his elixir. He injected the serum into a dead Jedi and stood back. The corpse got up and lunged at Cyther, bearing its teeth. Cyther easily manipulated the creature with his mind control. He built machines that injected the serum into thousands of cadavers and put them all into a catatonic state. His followers loaded the Living Dead onto a jail cell on his ship, the Diablo, and headed for Yavin IV.
First Assimilations[]
On board the ship, the first zombie (a Jedi) began to remember things from when it was alive. It remembered how to talk, it remembered how to think, and it remembered the force. It manipulated the other zombies and used the force to break free from the cell. The horde of undead ran rampant through the ship devouring those too slow and infecting the ones that managed to get away. The survivors (including the leaders) barricaded themselves in the bridge and decided to make a crash landing near the Jedi Enclave on Yavin IV. A composed of Luke Skywalker, Jaden Korr and many Knights were dispatched to investigate. Approaching the crash site, the stronger knights felt a dark presence, but no life. Suddenly, a creature leaped out of the bushes and bit Skywalker on the neck. Luke decapitated it with his lightsaber but fell. The other zombies were alerted , and the horde chased them back to the Enclave.