Star Wars Fanon

The Galactic United Systems is the life of the Rishi Maze. It is one of, if not the greatest, governments in all of the outer space.
—G.U.S. President Fig'rin Amdoy Fann during his inauguration speech

The Galactic United Systems (abreviated GUS) was a Federal Constitutional Republic established after the events of the Rishi Revolution and seperation from the Rishi Empire, along with the six other governments of the Rishi Rebellion. It was often referred to as the Galactic Systems, the United Systems, or simply, the Systems.


Although, technically, the GUS was first formed in 1,063 BBY after the Declaration of War on the Rishi Empire, it wasn't officially founded 7 years later in 1,056 BBY, after the war's end. After recovering from the war, it eventually became a major power in the Rishi Maze, eventually taking over two different governments, with the smaller Golordian Systems Republic also taking over two.

In 22 BBY when the news spread that they had been discovered by the Republic, the G.U.S. was the first of the governments to ally with it. When the Clone Wars broke out, the G.U.S. remained neutral, but provided military and medical supplies for the Republic. However, when the Confederacy of Independent Systems attacked Kamino, the acting president Albon Frolaye, a Bith, declared war on the Confederacy. However, the military did not fight any battles with the Trade Federation, a major supply company to the planets in the G.U.S.

When the war ended, the government, losing 947,000 men in the war, accepted the Regulation Act, stating that the nation was not to enter any war unless itself, or one of its territories is attacked. However, the government would be able to make exceptions if necessary. In 10 BBY, a small military force belonging to the Galactic Empire attacked a minor G.U.S stronghold near Kamino. However, the group eventually pulled out with the supplies it needed, and the president dismissed it as a "misunderstanding".

In 2 BBY when the Galactic Civil War broke out, the government remained neutral, but supported the Rebellion's cause. In 0 BBY, it began sending supplies for the Rebels in convoys, and was occasionally attacked, but always defeated the small groups that they came across. The same year, diplomatic relationships with the Empire ceased, and the Empire staged a large-scale assault on a major G.U.S. military stronghold, to which the G.U.S. responded by declaring war.

After it's discovery with the Galactic Republic, it sought to make allies with them. After it's transformation to the Galactic Empire in 19 BBY, the GUS, despite the trading relationship with them, began supporting rebel organizations, and, eventually, allied themselves with the Alliance to Restore the Republic against the Empire. Despite this, the empire still labeled them as "Allies" until their major defeat by them at the Battle of Rothana.

The first battle the G.U.S. participated in was the Second Battle of Kessel, holding off the Imperial forces while Renegade Squadron rescued Ackbar. It was not a failure. The G.U.S. participated in many of the major battles of the war. Near the end of the war in 19 ABY, the G.U.S. left the war, since it was obvious that the New Republic had already won, and "our help and/or presence is no longer needed."

After the Galactic Civil war the GUS became a permanent member of the United Systems. While the GUS stayed out of the Yuuzhan Vong War, it was concerned at the growing power of the Corellia System, but it did not talk to this to the Galactic Alliance until 40 ABY, prior to the starting of the Second Galactic Civil war. All the representatives from the nation voted to stay out of the war, but a few days later, Confederation bombers from Bothawui accidentaly overflew their targets on an outer rim planet and hit a GUS planet. The GUS, seeing this as an act of war, declared war on the Confederacy two days later. The president, Fig'rin Fann, a veteran of the Galactic United Military, attacked Bothawui, and when they refused to surrender. The president sent an entire force to Bothawui as a blockade. The seige of the Bothawui had begun.
