The Galactic Teräs Käsi Federation (GTKF), known as the Imperial Teräs Käsi Federation during Emperor Palpatine's reign, was the governing body of the official sport of Teräs Käsi, the ancient martial art originally created to fight Jedi.
By the final centuries of the Galactic Republic, the martial art had become an increasingly popular sport. The GTKF was created in 538 BBY to keep record of Teräs Käsi, maintain the official rules, and promote the sport. It also managed an annual Galactic Championship, along with a Teräs Käsi Galactic Tour that consisted of one Galactic Masters, three Grand Slams, and six Grand Prix tournament events every year. Other major events affiliated with the Teräs Käsi Federation were the regional championships for each region of the galaxy and the Palawa Cup, the latter of which was held on the sport's homeworld of Bunduki. These last two competitions were held every two years. The best performing practitioners at these events competed in the sport at the Galactic Games (known as the Imperial Games during the New Order).
During the Imperial Era, the societal-cultural organization COMPNOR made Teräs Käsi one of its officially promoted sports for Imperial subjects to partake in. The Empire promoted not only that but other martial arts and combat sports in general, with the Imperial Ministry of Education making basic Teräs Käsi training part of physical education programs at many schools throughout the Empire. The renamed Imperial Teräs Käsi Federation took part in organising a new annual tournament with COMPNOR called the Emperor Palpatine Cup, held at the Imperial Palace every three years, along with its already existing events.
The central body of the GTKF was headquartered on Coruscant, with planetary and regional associations of the Federation existing throughout the galaxy.