Star Wars Fanon
Star Wars Fanon

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The Galactic Sith Empire, or simply the Sith Empire, was the largest of the Sith Empires. It was ruled by the Sith Emperor. The Galactic Sith Empire became the dominate government, after centuries of war with the Galactic Republic. They fell several hundred years afterward, and withdrew to Wild Space, and ruled that area. They also enslaved several species that lived there, such as the Ssi-ruuk. The GSE thrived for centuries, preparing to go to war. When the Clone Wars erupted, Dooku tried to recruit them for the CIS, but the GSE refused and the Sith battlecruisers shot down the diplomatic ships.

After the fall of the Galactic Republic, they laid low and had an alliance with the Emperor. The Rebellion's spynet tracked the Sith Empire, and after seeing their billions of soldiers, war droids, and ships, they tried to warn the Rebellion of the coming threat. The Sith guardsmen found them and slaughtered them all. The Sith Empire did not strike intel after the fall of the New Republic.


The Empire was later reborn after the fall of Kel Desmin's Sith Empire.
