Star Wars Fanon
Star Wars Fanon

Here at Galactic Mechanical Manufacturing Corporation we strive to ensure you get value and quality for your money, we make sure 150% quality is put into all our droids. Our vigourous quality tests are among some of the most complicated and thorough tests in the field of battle droid manufacturing. But please dont just take my word for it, follow me and see for yourself the exceptional quality we put into all our droids which has made us one of the most reputable battle droid manufacturers in the galaxy.
—Korin Yesak, Manager of GMMC, to potential customers before taking them on a tour of a droid factory.

Galactic Mechanical Manufacturing Corporation was a battle droid manufacturer and a subsidiary of Galactic Industries, a company which was founded by Alex Zakkan in 896 ABY and had child companies in many areas of industry, like Galactic Shipyards which made starships.

GMMC focused on producing military-grade battle droids, whilst its subsidiary Galactic Astro-Protocol Industries (A.K.A GAPI) focused on producing droids which could be sold to civilians (Astromech, Servant, Heavy Labour and Protocol droids to be exact).


  • Galactic Astro-Protocol Industries

