Star Wars Fanon

The Galactic Federation was the name of the galactic government founded in place of the Galactic Empire.



The Galactic Federation was formed following the Rebel Alliances retaking of Coruscant one year after the Battle of Endor. The Alliance leaders met to establish a new government to replace the weaker form of the Galactic Republic. The leaders soon established a new constitution in which power is balanced between three branches.


After the fall of the galactic empire,the federation was able to colonize planets of the old republic era and find new ones,like new alderaan.

Protection of the New jedi[]

'When the new jedi order was at it's peek,it then allied itself with the federation as it's protectors,like the old jedi order did with the old 'republic.eventually,they became beloved and famous amongs the citizens and the citizens were disgusted at the lies of palpatine that the jedi were evil tratiors.

Threat of the new empire[]

One day,the republic was attacked by the new empire,a succesor to palpatine's empire under the rule of darth snoke and his third sith order.realizing the threat that awaits them,the federation prepared for war and recovered from the attack.president leia organa-solo decided to take normal soldiers and phase 3 clone troopers and created an army to combat the empire's droid and stormtrooper army.

'F'ederation victory[]

Many years of a war known as the second clone wars,the new empire and the sith were destroyed and their was peace.
