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The Galactic Civil War was a major conflict that took place across the entire galaxy.

At the end of the Clone Wars, the Galactic Republic was re-organized by the Sith Lord Darth Sidious into the First Galactic Empire, ending the war and essentially annexing all Republic territory into the new Galactic Empire. All Republic forces were re-organized into Imperial forces while Separatist armies were ordered to stand down and shut down all droids at their disposal.

Shortly thereafter, while the Empire was consolidating its forces, various rebel sects and groups formed on planets across the galaxy which would go on to wage guerrilla warfare against the Empire. Many Separatist commanders also ignored the order to shut down their forces, resulting in Separatist hold outs occurring in ex-Separatist space.

The Empire destroyed those hold outs it could while those remaining either faded out of existence or joined up with the rebel cause. The Empire then waged a counter-terrorism/counter-guerrilla war against the various rebel groups across their Empire.

by 4 BBY, these rebel groups had organized into the Alliance to Restore the Republic who waged a semi-official war against the Empire across the galaxy, with open war being declared in 2 BBY, culminating in the Destruction of the first Death Star in 0 BBY during the Battle of Yavin.

War waged for another five years between the Alliance and Empire with their supporting factions until the destruction of the Second Death Star and deaths of both Vader and Sidious in 5 BBY at the Battle of Endor. From here, the Empire fell into disarray, allowing the Alliance to sweep over Imperial space until the signing of the Galactic Concordance, ending the war and ushering in the New Republic.

Other Factions[]

The Morsian Empire had once been allied to the Republic during the Old Sith Wars in 4,000 BBY but left the Republic after the conclusion of war on poor terms. When the Republic fell at the end of the Clone Wars, the Morsians had still not officially re-joined the republic in time to consider themselves officially a part of the Republic again. After getting over the initial shock, the Morsians offered Jedi Order 66 sanctuary, which was an offer for Jedi to hide within the Morsian Empire and follow its laws in return for protection from the Sith and early Empire. The reformation of the Republic into the Empire caused divide within the Morsian senate who quickly had two opinions on the Empire, those senators who saw the Empire as the legitimate successor to the Republic and so possible ally and those senators who did not see the Empire as legitimate and therefore a potential threat. This internal political debate continued for most of the life of the Empire while military tensions increased between the Morsian Empire and Galactic Empire who engaged in a proxy/cold war between each other. Spy missions happened everywhere and the Empire semi-covertly funded many rebellion attempts within Morsian territory which almost all failed.

The Morsians eventually declared war on the Empire for three reason. The first was Imperial settlers creating outposts and new colonies on planets close to Morsian space, which they saw as advanced settling and an attempt to usurp Morsian power in the reason. The second was the many rebellion attempts the Empire tried to form on Morsian Protectorate Planets. The third and final one which pushed the over the edge was the destruction of the First Death Star at the Battle of Yavin. The Rebel Alliance had been engaged in diplomacy with the Morsians for years prior, attempting to saw them to the Rebel cause, but with the destruction of the Death Star and the previous grievances caused by the Empire, finally ended the split in the Morsian senate. The senate voted overwhelmingly in favor of the Empire not being the legal successor to the Republic and so brought the Morsians into the war. The Morsians signed a peace treaty with the Empire shortly before the Rebellion finally defeated them which gave the Morsians several Imperial colonies near their territory, both expanding and cementing Morsian power in the region, a heavy credit reparation to the Morsian Empire as well as many Imperial ships and technology.
