Star Wars Fanon

After Endor, this was no longer a war to quell a rebellion or to restore order, it became a war of attrition. To drain the hope out of this so-called New Republic and that is what we are going to do.
—Annabelle Nakamura at Tsoss Beacon in 5 ABY

The Galactic Civil War (4 BBY12 ABY), also referred to as the revolution or the rebellion, was a galactic power struggle between the Galactic Empire and Rebel Alliance with the goal to restore the Galactic Republic and end Palpatine's tyranny rule over the galaxy. The rebellion in its early stage was disorganized and had their origins traced to the Clone Wars, during which the Galactic Republic and Jedi Order had supplied and equipped numerous Outer Rim factions and rebel cells to fight against the Confederacy of Independent Systems. With the execution of Order 66 and the Galactic Republic's subsequent reorganization into the Galactic Empire, the Jedi Order was hunted and many of the factions and rebel cells previously supported by the Republic began to shift their attention against the Empire instead. These rebel cells eventually formed together as the Alliance to Restore the Republic.

By 4 BBY, fighting between the Empire and these grouped up rebel cells had broken out and gradually gained momentum and the civil war became official in 2 BBY when Mon Mothma formally declared open rebellion against the Galactic Empire and its Emperor. With this declaration, the Rebel Alliance became a threat to the Empire and the Imperial Military mobilized to defeat this threat. Throughout the war, the Rebel Alliance was able to score major victories against the Empire, which included stealing the plans for the Death Star in the Battle of Scarif, and later destroyed it in the Battle of Yavin. Although, the Alliance evacuated and eventually relocated its headquarters to Hoth following an Imperial counterattack and suffered a major defeat in 3 ABY that almost crippled the Alliance, however survived and scattered its forces across the galaxy.

Six months later in 4 ABY, the Rebel Alliance, through Palpatine's own accord, discovered an in-construction second Death Star and assembled its military forces in launching a surprise attack and destroy it before it would be completed. Though, a ruse by Palpatine, Darth Vader's fleet Death Squadron laid in wait and both sides fought in the ensuing Battle of Endor. Despite the Empire having the upper advantage with the second Death Star's operational superlaser and large Imperial Navy fleet, the actions of Jedi Knight Luke Skywalker and General Han Solo allowed the Rebel Alliance to prevail through the former's success of redeeming Darth Vader as Anakin Skywalker and the latter's destruction of the shield generator. With the destruction of the second Death Star and the deaths of Emperor Palpatine and Darth Vader, the remaining Imperial Navy ships fled the system on orders from Grand Admiral Annabelle Nakamura and the Empire fractured while the Rebel Alliance celebrated their victory on Endor and later the New Republic was formed days later.

With Emperor Palpatine having been killed at Endor and news of his death spreading throughout the galaxy, many high ranking Imperial officials attempted to take the throne as a result of the power vacuum left in Palpatine's death. It was after this defeat that Gallius Rax became the Counselor to the Empire and began the Contingency and became involved with Grand Admiral Annabelle Nakamura, who joined his side at continuing to fight against the Rebel Alliance. However, he had brought upon his own death in 5 ABY when he revealed the truth to Annabelle about his purpose and that of the Contingency, and on her accord, she had assassinated him in his sleep onboard the Ravager and took his place as Counselor to the Empire, just days before he could rally the scattered Imperial remnants to Jakku for the Contingency's culmination. Soon after, she called the Imperial remnants to her command under the promise of a revitalized Galactic Empire and gathered numerous Imperial leaders and warlords at Tsoss Beacon to convince them to pledge support and allegiance to her to achieve her goal. After hours of revealing and discussing her plans, these leaders and warlords joined Annabelle and soon began to coordinate a counteroffensive against the fledging New Republic across the galaxy, prolonging the Galactic Civil War, and this eventually led to what became known as the war's Outer Rim Sieges. These sieges saw numerous defeats for the New Republic Armed Forces across all of their territories and tremendous losses in military personnel, ships and starfighters, as Project Starhawk did little to assist the New Republic in victories. With the coordination between Annabelle and her commanders across the Outer Rim Territories, New Republic High Command considered the on-going war to be as it was prior to Endor, losing battles and severe drops in morale in their military forces.


Imperial counteroffensive[]

Blue Glass Arrow Main article: Imperial counteroffensive

After Counselor to the Empire Annabelle Nakamura gained the support of numerous Imperial loyalists and remnants at Tsoss Beacon in 5 ABY, the reunited Imperial Military began a series of counter operations to various New Republic holdings across the Outer Rim Territories, leading into the Outer Rim Sieges.

Outer Rim Sieges[]

Blue Glass Arrow Main article: Outer Rim Sieges (Post-Endor)

After the initial attacks of the Imperial Military surprise attacked the New Republic Armed Forces, Annabelle's forces began to siege numerous territories held by the Republic and only saw defeats in battles where a Starhawk battleship was present, but saw victories in other battles without one present. These sieges would not only caused heavy losses for the Republic, but even caused severe drops in morale.

Imperial Civil War[]

Blue Glass Arrow Main article: Imperial Civil War (Vytal)

Several of the remnants that Annabelle had gathered broke away from her Galactic Empire and took control of their own territories across the galaxy. These remnants later fought against Annabelle's Empire when she began to target them and annex them back into the Empire at large, though, she was met with resistance. The civil war ended in 10 ABY after Annabelle had killed Blitzer Harrsk.

