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Gajji bek Ral was a Kalaanite spacer from Aaeton. He was breifly a pirate, serving under Bolta Yorsos on the Nosa Republica. Later, he became a smuggler and flew as the copilot of Belken Vorti on a Bikoland EH-6700 freighter called Delivery, along with a Corellian crewmember named Zesco Brin. He was killed on Corlass while trying to protect E-oon Decht from 3X-AK2R.
Early Life[]
Born on Aaeton in 159 BBY, he had a rare mutation among his people that left him with purple eyes. A gang war between the Kalaanites of his community and the Chroman of a neighboring community left him orphaned in 153 BBY. He was sent to live with his grandmother and quickly grew into a juvenile delinquent. In 151 BBY, he was escorted out of school by police for injuring an older, larger Gektl student name Bhzar Vastef.
In 146 BBY, he ran away to become a spacer and obtained work as a crewmember aboard a 1Z-class medium freighter called the Sepojka. Working for two years aboard the ship, he saw much of the galaxy. But the ship's captain, Tultri Moi'oor, was a drunk and one day Ral made her angry and she deserted him on Ottethan. He worked on several more ships after that, still travelling the galaxy. In 140 BBY, he worked aboard a light freighter owned by a disreputable Duros merchant named Jeyer Hilfoss and they delivered several passengers on the moon of Nosa Republica. Ral learned that the passengers were actually slaves and that his employer intended to sell him as well. When they landed on the moon, he killed his employer and began firing on the approaching slavers with the ship's blaster cannons. The slavers disabled the ship and Ral led the slaves in a valiant charge against the slavers. Many were killed and Ral's envirosuit was punctured. Losing air, he fell unconscious. A Poldt named Erjossa was observing the fight and she intervened and rescued him.
Erjossa took him to Bolta Yorsos, captain of the Nosa Republica and her employer. Impressed with the young Kalaanite's audacity, Yorsos made him a member of his crew. He stayed aboard the ship for the next year but it was destroyed by the Jedi Knight Abogar Vintoss over Rishos in 139 BBY. Only Ral was able to escape as he was the only crewmember near the escape pod bay.
After drifting through the Abrion sector with little work for two years, he arrived on Abrion Major where he met Belken Vorti. Vorti was flying the Delivery and needed a new copilot. They smuggled together until 123 BBY, when Ral was killed by 3X-AK2R while trying to defend an old friend named E-oon Decht from the assassin droid.