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C. G. Lemoss was a male Oxoorian soldier and priest of the Telosian Concordat. He was born on Pirgan Lydanz in 321 ABY and fought for Telos from an early age. After helping defend his homeworld from pirates in 349 ABY, he was allowed into the priesthood of Xanatos. He served faithful, reaching the upper echelons of the Office of the Telosian High Seer during his forty years as a priest. However, the Concordat was overthrown in 389 ABY and the survivng officials were massacred. Only Lemoss and a small number of other officials escaped and high bounties were placed on their heads. Over time, they were all killed except for him, as he had hidden himself away on Zydomaar. Finally, the assassin droid 3X-AK2R caught up with him and killed him nearly a century later.