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Fyllice Oonba was a Human female from Roxuli who married Dax Oonba and had two children, Gelei and Selun T. H. Oonba. She was known as a very intelligent woman and was said to have wasted her brilliance by becoming a miner in the Roxuli asteroids instead of going to school.
She excelled at everything she did as a youth, intellectually and athletically. Unfortunately, her mother, the sole provider for Fyllice and her four siblings was injured and could no longer work. She received compensation for lost wages but only for one year. Since Fyllice was the oldest, she found a job in the asteroids as a miner to support her family in79 BBY. After working for over a decade, she married Dax Oonba and they raised two children. When her husband died in 47 BBY she received an inheritance of 8,000 credits which she gave to her two children. She remarried in 45 BBY to Griff Dond. In 27 BBY a dispute broke out between the miners and the people of Roxuli and Griff and Fyllice moved to Bespin where Griff died in 14 BBY and Fyllice died four years later.