Frost was a Jumptrooper, then Royal Guard, and later a Imperial Sovereign Protector in service of the Galactic Empire under Palpatine, later Natasi Daala, and finally Emperor Fel of the Fel Empire. He was a highly skilled fighter, being in one of the most elite Imperial military units, and was also skilled with the Dark Side of the Force. He served since 3 BBY. He was present on the Death Star II while it was under construction for protection, and ended up getting transfered back to Coruscant or a different post before the station's destruction.
Despite being highly skilled, he was also highly loyal to the Empire, which was one of the reasons he was promoted to the status of Protector. Frost was trusted by his fellow Guardsmen and Protectors. He was also ranked Major in the unit.
Early Life[]
Born in the early years of the Galactic Empire, Frost was led to believe that the Empire was peaceful and was allot better than the Galactic Republic and Jedi Order, and was encouraged to join the Imperial military by his father, a former Republic officer that served several years in the Imperial Navy. Frost was a skilled fighter and learned martial arts early in his life and also learned melee and blaster fighting skills from his father. He was also a talented swoop racer. Around the end of 2 BBY, the Rebel Alliance attacked Chandrila, his homeworld, and killed his family, and ever since then, he wanted to join the Empire and get revenge on the Rebels.
The Academy[]
Afterwards, he enrolled in the Carida Imperial Military Academy as a Jumptrooper. After months of intense training and tests, he was finally made a Jumptrooper and was stationed at Cloud City, where Jumptroopers were highly needed.
Coffin in the Clouds[]
In the first few days of being stationed at Cloud City, he was used, along with his squad, to ambush pirate convoys, and he led his squadron to victory every time, and saved the life of his superior in one of the attacks. After the pirates fled the system, Frost and his men just had to do basic law enforcement, and later, soon before the Rebel invasion, Frost and two other troopers were taken to Yinchorr, the Royal Guard academy, to try out to be Royal Guards.
On Yinchorr, Frost was sent to the Royal Guard academy to train to become a Royal Guard. He was part of a class of forty cadets at the academy. The lessons were harsh and intense, and after each one several cadets ended up dying. Frost was partnered up with a Royal Guard named Alum in the final months of the academy. The two had to duel and practice with each other, and knew that at the end of the year that they would have to kill each other as part of the final test. Even so, they were friends. when the test came, the two dueled, but after twenty minutes, the battle was still going, so the Emperor decided to let them both be guardsmen. Frost was sent to the Imperial Palace on Coruscant, but Alum was sent to the Imperial Citadel on Byss.