There is no comfort—there is suffering. There is no love—there is loss. There are no noble acts—only futile ones. There is no peace—there is chaos.There is no salvation—there is oblivion .
—Freya’s code
Freya Kotar, also known as Jedi Master Kotar, General Kotar, and Darth Silea. Her most popular work was as a Jedi almost all her life. She was also an assassin, Sith Lord, and eventually a bounty hunter for the changing guard. She was from the planet Zur-krey and was one of the most feared people in the entire galaxy. People feared her because of her ability to turn people into ash. They did not understand her like her friends did, which made it even harder for her to live in the galaxy. She was once the wife of Daniel Haldo and the mother of one child, Lara Kotar. Later, she had a relationship with Tishec Zako in where she married him.
Early life[]
Freya was born on the planet Zur-krey. She had two siblings, a brother named Taren Kotar and a sister named Kethna Kotar. Her parents were named Rene Kotar and Dayna Kotar. Her father, Rene, was a soldier for the Republic military, while her mother, Dayna, was a scout for the Zur-Kreynian government. When Freya learned to walk, she sneaked out of her parents' house one night and walked down a busy street. When a criminal running from the police went past her, she reached out to touch him, and when she did, she turned him into ash.
After this, some of the locals called her a hero, while some called her a demon. The day after, her parents decided to take her to the elders to see what they thought of the chaos. The elders told her parents that Freya was gifted in this special skill. Another skill allowed her to knock someone out by touching them,also she could manipulate the elements,and she could use the Force like her brother and sister. Her sister had the special ability to control the mind of the smartest people, and could create a Force shield wall with her mind. Her brother's skill allowed him to be able to destroy or disarm a droid with his mind, and he could shape-shift into any animal he wished.
After her parents were informed of the ability of their youngest daughter, they decided that, for her own safety and that of others, to send her to the Jedi to become a Padawan early, so she could learn to control her abilities. During Freya's trip to Coruscant, a small Sith fleet took her prisoner, but all they did was take a blood sample from her. After that, they sent her on her way to wherever she was going. The Sith, however, created a clone of Freya called "Dark Freya Kotar" and also Nayma Kotar.
Freya was a Jedi for most of her life. She was also an assassin as well as a Sith Lord called Darth Silea. Freya secretly decided to start her own faction, called Assassin Jedi Guardians Group. Also as a bounty hunter, she worked for Tishec Zako, the leader of the Changing Guard. She had created her group long before she met Tishec. She still worked for Tishec during her time as the leader of the Guardians.
Freya was in Anchorage on Tatooine, the town closest to where she now lived with her family and two new children, Zion and Jay'Mel Kotar Zako. She had Hale Rebern and Slyssk, one of Tishec's hunters with her. Freya was in town working on an assassin mission for her group, and looking for parts to make a present for Tishec for his birthday with Hale. As Kotar was away from Hale and Slyssk, Hale was dueling in one of the cantinas arenas. In Hale's final duel, she managed to unlock a new power, her Sith killing mist ability.
When Freya returned to Hale and Slyssk, Hale told her master of the discovery she made in her abilities. Slyssk persisted that Freya needed to reconsider her decision to battle her apprentice, as is the tradition of the Sith. Freya told him that it was the only way, and to tell her family if she died, that she loved them, and good luck in life to Slyssk.
In battle against Hale, lightsaber against lightsaber, Hale activated her mist ability and swung Freya against a far wall, killing her instantly on impact against her bones. After Tishec found out that Freya was killed by Hale, he wanted her dead for what she did. But for fifteen years, he could never find her, until she came to his palace on Tatooine to kill him.
As Hale was close to death by Tishec's hand, Freya showed up, in her own body, being reborn on the sacred homeworld of Zur-Krey. After she managed to get Tishec to not kill Hale, she returned to her normal life. In an old age of seven thousand years old, Kotar finally went to rest for good when she decided she was done with living, since Tishec died before her. She spent her time as a spirit giving advice to Jedi, as well as training them in the ways of the force as a Jedi master. However many years later, she become one with the force, as she always wished. She still had her force energy’s on the sacred homeworld of Zur-Krey where many other ghost felt the era of her Jedi power.
After her death, Hale and Lara both told the story of the Jedi Master, Freya Kotar, who gave up life to save another for their own fall. The story was told not only through the family, but to other family friends and so on. Even long after her death, other Jedi and people that were force sensitive lived by her example of life. When people were told of the story, they would rethink their lives, thinking over the bad they ever did, and they would go to try to fix it. Freya would do the same in life for what she did as a Sith lord, but she could never fix everything in her lifetime. Her daughter Lara lived by her example and would try to do what she could to help the galaxy.
Personality and traits[]
Freya was a compassionate woman. Even when she was a Sith, she would show mercy. Other Sith did not see it as a weakness in her. The Sith saw it as a strength to herself. Even if some did see it as a weakness in her, they knew that she'd kill them with her ash ability if they were to try to take her rank by force.
One of her best friends, Kevin Dalzoka, used to say that the "The Sith must have been extra scared after meeting her. They would not have had another happy memory ever again I'm guessing." He would also say that it was a curious puzzle as to why she was the same as her time spent as a Jedi before after she went back to the Jedi Order. Also, her droids HK-47 and D4-K2 would say to her that she was too merciful and forgiving at times.
Powers and abilities[]
Freya had the special ability to be able to turn anything into ash, including people. She could also use the Force to bend the elements of water and fire, and use the Force to lift anything to her control. She was able to use Force storm as well.
Kotar also had very good skills with her blue duel lightsabers as a Jedi Consular.

Freya's blue duel lightsabers. When she became a Sith, she changed the colors of the hilts to purple and red for the memory of Revan.
Along with that, Freya was able to hack terminals and computers, and be very persuasive with her charisma. Other abilities she had was common among her people. Like having her hair and eyes turn color to the emotion she felt, and she was able to disappear and reappear anywhere she wanted. After her siblings had perished, she inherited their abilities as a Zur-Kreynian.
Freya also had the talent to be able to slip out of Cantina battles when she was the one to start them, as well as being able to hold her fair share of a drink. Freya was a unique kind of Zur-Kreynian in her time with all the strange powers she had as a Jedi and Sith. Not only that, she was highly regarded among her people for her charismatic abilities.
“Why are you here, Daniel?” Freya
“I'm here to tell you I love you, and that I want to spend the rest of my life with you, Freya.” Daniel
“Really, Daniel? I thought we were just friends.” Freya
“Well I want to go past that. Do you?” -Daniel telling Freya that he loved her
Freya saw Daniel Haldo as a friend ever since she met him in Zure on Zur-Krey. She'd been on many adventures with him since then. However, she never knew he loved her secretly the way he did. Nevertheless, something at the back of her heart told her he did. She did all she could to push it down when ever it came up. Oh course until he finally said to her face that he loved her. And after years, she finally admitted that she loved him too. They went on many more mission together knowing they had each others back, and that they loved one another.
After a year into their relationship, they were married. Two years later they had Lara after they were married on Zur-Krey II. Fourteen years after Lara was born, she and Daniel both disappeared. Kotar later found out that Daniel was dead and that Lara was being held by a force she never came to know. When she met up with Daniel again, they together looked for their daughter, until they gave up after three years.
Kotar later fell to the dark side and killed Daniel. In the time span of when she worked for Tishec, Daniel begged for her to be his wife again. However, she rejected him and had no pity for him and who he had become. They remained friends, just like Freya wanted it as before she fell in love with him.
“You're a beautiful and strong women, and I'd like to be able to tell you that everyday if you would let me be yours.” Tishec
“You have feelings for me?” Freya
“I do, and I think it was time that I told you of them. I want to make this last.” Tishec speaking to Freya about his feelings for her.
Freya tried to keep her relationship with Tishec professional when she started to work for the Guard. She'd been introduced to him when he had his men try to kill a Jedi that she was friends with when she was with the target. Kotar had attacked Zako's men, killed a couple, and was then captured along with her friend. He was executed and Kotar couldn't do a thing about it while she was in Tishec's palace under his control. She thought it would be better to have him as a friend for her Assassins group. She worked for him for a couple of months. After which time, she was given word that her brother and sister, Taren and Kethna, had fallen from the path of light and now served the Darkside of the force. In the morning of that day, she told Tishec what she learned, and said that she had to go look for them on Deralia at the Sith academy. Tishec persisted that he should go with her, and she allowed him. She was asked questions by Tishec about her family. She said that she had a daughter and husband while they were in hyper space on their way to Deralia on her ship, The Destiny. He had asked her what happened to her daughter and Daniel, to which she told them that they went missing and she never found them. It wasn’t a lie, it was just half the truth. Tishec felt that Freya still had feelings for Daniel, which was not true, so he didn't ask anymore then that.
Freya returned to the cockpit to check how long it would take for them to get to Deralia. She then looked for Tishec to find him in the training room on her ship. She spoke to him because she sensed that something was wrong, but she didn't know exactly what it was. When she asked him if something was wrong, she got more than she bargained for. He told her that he sensed she still had feelings for Daniel, to which she said she didn't since she killed him and rejected him. Kotar made a point of saying all her cared for was her daughter. When she asked why he was frustrated with if she did still loved Daniel, he said that he had grown a bond with her. Of course, she asked what type of bond it was, which he answered Freya by kissing her. He said he liked her, and he wished to try to make it work. It had been so long since she loved a man, so she decided to give to a chance since she liked him as well.
Over the time since that bond started to grow, it became stronger. As Tishec and Freya traveled the galaxy, they grew to love each other more and more. Then finally after a year, Tishec asked her to marry him. Naturally, she said yes to the man she loved. They had a small ceremony on the old ruins of where the Zur-Kreynians stayed when they were on Alderaan. After the ceremony, they returned to live together in love and peace on Tatooine in Tishec's palace.
After a year of marriage, Freya and Tishec had twins, Zion Kotar Zako and Jay'Mel Kotar Zako. Even as they grew in wisdom with age (and never looking a day over twenty), their bond made them feel as if they were one. After their children were grown up and on their own to better places, they spent lots of time together traveling when they were not working. They spent the rest of their lives together to the end.

Freya on Zur-Krey

A larger copy of Freya on Zur-Krey.