The Fourth Fleet was a fleet of the Galactic Republic and the Galactic Empire. It originally was just known as the Galactic Republic Fourth Fleet, and during the Imperial Era as the Galactic Empire Fourth Fleet. It would serve dutifully for nearly three decades before reforming into smaller fleets as apart of the Varino Imperium. It would see service under the Varino family, due to many large donations from Adrian Varino II. It would as such largely be filled with yesmen or officers who were largely loyal to Adrian Varino II, allowing him somewhat free reign to take on some of his more eccentric plans, and of course when the Empire collapsed it allowed him to create his own warlord rump state.
The Galactic Republic Fourth Fleet was formed at the outbreak of the Clone Wars, alongside many other fleets needed to expand the size of the military to combat the CIS, it started life as a reserve fleet it was equipped with Acclamator-class assault ships and Dreadnaught-class heavy cruisers near-universally with only a small number of Venator-class Star Destroyers including the flagship, and a number of other auxiliary and picket ships.
The Malevolence[]
The Fourth Fleet would be the first to encounter the Malevolence, and the majority of the fleet would be wiped out in the Battle of Dentaal where the Malevolence ambushed the Fourth Fleet, many of the officers were killed and even more were MIA, the most notable of the latter category being Adrian Varino I, who would be MIA for a number of months and until shortly after the destruction of the Malevolence. With this scale of casualties, the Fourth Fleet was devastated and reserve units would have to be mobilized to replaced the mess that was made. As well as many new officers being shuffled into the Fourth Fleet lead to an overall loss of skilled officers, however, the fleet itself would be updated now using largely only newer models of ships. This lack of skill would sometimes be a great detriment to the command style of Varino, though this would slowly be remedied by the end of the war, though the skill level would never truly reach levels from prior to its near-complete destruction until after the Clone Wars.
The Bacta Campaign[]
The now largely green fleet was once again patrolling the space near Dentaal this time assigned to the Bacta Run, in an attempt to keep the vital trade route from Thyferra to the core secure. However, due to the lack of professional officers, the Confederate Third Fleet would take Thyferra and would use the system as it's the main base of operations. Leading to what would become known as the Bacta Campaign. The Fleet would earn a name for itself during this period and this would eventually lead to after the untimely destruction of the Opee, he would be recognized for his accomplishments and would receive one of the first Imperator-class Star Destroyers, which he named Darkened Dawn, once this ship was received however High Command transferred his fleet to patrol the recently liberated Onderon.