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Forums > Senate Hall > SH:MediaWiki Upgrade Bug List

Oh, look. MediaWiki has been upgraded. I'll start the bug list... Trak Nar Ramble on 02:50, July 25, 2012 (UTC)

Bug reports[]

Please report all bugs here.

[DEV] AJAX RC issues[]

This is a script problem. Basically, the grouped changes in the Recent Changes are expanded with no way to collapse them. This only happens whenever AJAX is being used. Trak Nar Ramble on 02:50, July 25, 2012 (UTC)

Appears to have been resolved by Grunny. Any others?TK-999 (Talk) 12:12, August 12, 2012 (UTC)

[INTERMITTENT] Monobook CSS issues[]

The Monobook skin conked out on me. I am seeing just the basic skin, with no bells and whistles or our background, etc. Basically, it looks like this, only with the SWFanon logo rather than the Wook logo as in the example. Usually, it resolves itself after a refresh or two, but it's still annoying. Trak Nar Ramble on 02:50, July 25, 2012 (UTC)

[NOT REPRODUCIBLE] "Read More" links[]

Can we disable this? It's slowed down the wiki so much that I couldn't do anything. Took forever to load a single page. Trak Nar Ramble on 03:34, July 25, 2012 (UTC)

  • At the moment, neither I nor another staff member can reproduce this issue. Sactage will be looking into this forum so I'll let him correct my status marker if he's able to find any evidence that this is an issue on the Wikia end. We're also not going to use this as an excuse to disable a feature that actually has a positive impact on the amount of time people spend on a wiki. - Brandon Rhea(talk) 03:45, July 25, 2012 (UTC)
    • It may have been my connection at the time, then. But, I have noticed that the quote image template acts buggy with Monobook. Sometimes, it fails to load. It may also tie in with the CSS issues that I've mentioned above. Trak Nar Ramble on 04:08, July 25, 2012 (UTC)
      • If it is feasible, I would ask that an inquiry be made as to whether or not the Read More function could be disabled on sub-pages. I mean, it does look a little silly at the bottom of a novel chapter. Just sayin'.

GoodwoodDebating Society11,988 Edits 05:17, July 25, 2012 (UTC) @Trak: the failure to load may be due to another read more issue related to 1.19. In the default skin on some wikis, read more images are sometimes being displayed as single color blocks rather than the image. So it's possible that Monobook's version of that is that it just doesn't load at all. I can look into that.
@Goodwood: I don't know if that's possible, but I can find out. Read more is tied into the category system, so it doesn't distinguish between article and subpage. - Brandon Rhea(talk) 05:22, July 25, 2012 (UTC)

[RESOLVED] Blog comment editor not loading in Monobook[]

I had originally discovered this on the Sonic News Network and I just checked it here. I use Monobook and I am unable to reply to blogs. The comment editor refuses to load. I can type while the editor tries and fails to load, but it won't allow me to post what I typed. Refreshing doesn't work, either. I've left it sit, and it won't load. Is there a way to fix this, or make the mini-editor optional, such as unchecking it while it tries and fails to load? I would like to be able to comment on blogs again. Trak Nar Ramble on 04:33, July 25, 2012 (UTC)

  • I can confirm that this is indeed a bug. The mini-editor used on the default skin is being pulled into Monobook, which it's not supposed to since it doesn't work on Monobook. I can also confirm that Wikia engineers are aware of this one. For those of you using Monobook, the workaround for now is adding ?useskin=wikia to the end of the blog's URL. That will put you into the default skin for just that page, where you will be able to successfully post a blog comment. - Brandon Rhea(talk) 05:10, July 25, 2012 (UTC)
    • This issue has be resolved on another wiki, so I'm going to assume that it's resolved here. Trak Nar Ramble on 09:05, August 5, 2012 (UTC)

[MONOBOOK] Link suggestions not working[]

This isn't that the link suggestions have been moved, as I know that they now show up in a list underneath the edit box. However, they don't work more than half the time. I'm trying to categorize something and want a nice link suggestion? Nope! Chuck Testa Not gonna get one! Doesn't matter how long I wait. More often than not, the link suggestions simply do not work at all. I find the link suggestions to be very helpful when categorizing things, so I ask that this matter be looked into and resolved quickly. Trak Nar Ramble on 07:47, July 26, 2012 (UTC)

  • Same here. In fact, they haven't been appearing for me at all.

GoodwoodDebating Society11,988 Edits 07:52, July 26, 2012 (UTC)

    • This seems to be a Monobook-exclusive issue, as I've just tested and got link suggestions in Oasis.TK-999 (Talk) 11:22, July 26, 2012 (UTC)


Brandon, I do hope you're on top of these... :P Trak Nar Ramble on 02:50, July 25, 2012 (UTC)

  • I don’t fix bugs, so I won’t be the one on top of it. I’m not the most tech savvy person either, so I’d prefer if you reported bugs to Special:Contact. I will, however, let daNASCAT know about this forum. - Brandon Rhea(talk) 03:34, July 25, 2012 (UTC)