Star Wars Fanon
Star Wars Fanon
Forums > Senate Hall > SH:Fanon Projects

Hello, I've been active for near a week on this wiki, and today I've seen that there are some "Fanon Projects" or something similar. My question is: can anyone create a project or I must be an admin? Because I think that a beautiful thing in a wiki like this it's that we can collaborate in the creation of fanfics, novels, novellas, short stories and other. Furthermore, in case we are of different nationalities (I'm Italian and I've already seen an Hungarian and a Russian) we can affine "our English" and exchange country's uses and traditions in addition to our opinions and thoughts about SW. Thanks for reading my topic and I hope you share my same thought. ADMIRAL MIKE501 Yes, Sir! 17:42, December 30, 2013 (UTC)

  • You're more than welcome to create one. Go for it! - Brandon Rhea(talk) 17:47, December 30, 2013 (UTC)