Welcome to the Fanon Cantina, our wiki's most wretched hive of—scratch that, that's not true! The Fanon Cantina is actually our most casual discussion area! This forum is for casual discussions and opinions about articles, fan fics, and other types of Star Wars Fanon-related works that don't belong in the consensus track, the Senate Hall, or any other forum. Because this is for casual discussion, we have only a few requests for you:
Keep your discussion civil and friendly. This is meant to be a calm environment where anyone can post their opinion, so you should not be bossy, derogatory, or obnoxious to anyone.
Keep it casual. Serious topics such as administrative-related discussions, bannings, policy proposals, etc. should be placed into the appropriate forums.
Don't spam the forums or create multiple posts of very similar topic. An example would be a forum called "<insert name here> – good or bad author?" and one called "<insert name here>'s articles"
If you have a discussion you would like to start, enter in a topic title in the box next to "Add new topic." Once you are ready to begin typing up your topic, click the "Add new topic" button and add your content. Fanon Cantina topics will be archived archived when appropriate.