The Force telescope was a Rakata telescope that made use of observable background Force energy emissions to map distant objects. Unlike the ubiquitous X-ray and radio telescopes used in conventional high-energy astronomy, the Force telescope made minimal use of mirrors, instead relying on Ebon focusing crystals to detect and observe Force energy radiation originating around areas of high Force sensitivity. As the Force was derived from all living things, analysis of the Force's resultant energy signatures obtained from a Force nexus provided Rakata scientists with information regarding these emissions sources, revealing the nature of lifeforms found around the observed Force nexus.
Though these telescopes could be found on most major Infinite Empire worlds during the Pax Rakata, a high concentration could be found at the north and south poles of the Mure monolith space station. Due to Mure's location above the galactic plane, these telescopes were used both to scour the galaxy for Forceful worlds and to observe the Intergalactic Void that lay between the galaxy and other extra-galactic celestial phenomena.