Star Wars Fanon

The Forbeleans were a serpentine race native to the Unknown Regions planet of Forbelea. They bore a strong resemblance to the Thisspiasians of Thisspias.

Biology and appearance[]

The Forbeleans were four-armed reptiloids with serpentine lower halves, olive skin, and blue eyes. Their five-fingered hands ended in long sharp claws.

Society and culture[]

Forbeleans could work for any affiliation and occupation, and could speak in a language which consists of snake-like hisses. They could speak Basic. They also shared their name with the Forbelean Defense, a type of martial arts posture from their homeworld. They were one of the 15 million sentient species (alien races) unknown to the Empire in the galaxy.


The Forbeleans were the sentient descendants of a non-sentient reptilian species. They evolved on Forbelea, a temperate planet located in the Forbelea system within the Csilla sector of the Unknown Regions. Their homeworld was unexplored. They shared their home sector with the Chiss. In 25 ABY, their homeworld's population was up to 1 million.

