Fong Do was a Nautolan bounty hunter during and after the Clone Wars.
Fong Do was a bounty hunter mainly preferring to hunt Jedi, however when he was sent to hunt Kit Fisto, Fisto convinced Do that they were not that much different from each other, resulting in Fong sparing Fisto, Fong Do was very hot-headed and would often avenge death of his loved one's or friends, Do was a spy for Jabba to spy on Hondo Ohnaka and was near to killing Ohnaka until Hondo was killed by Coleman Kcaj.
Battle of Geonosis[]
I require payment Heklin.
—Do is hired for the Battle of Geonosis
Before the Battle of Geonosis Fong Do was hired by Seperatist Leader Fong Do to act as security for the meeting, after the meeting Fong Do went along with the group into the depths of the factory however the rest learned that Jango Fett had captured Senator Amidala and Anakin Skywalker. Fong Do went to the Pentrakki Arena along with the rest of the group however he did not watch from Poggle's viewbox, instead he hid with his sniper cocked in another viewbox eventually when the execution turned into a battle Fong aimed his sniper at Jedi Knight Sar Labooda as soon as it was perfectly aimed he fired and hit Labooda right above the chest killing her, Do then focused his fire on Jedi Master Dor Kalus he used his sniper aiming at him and silenced Kalus with one sniper fire to the arm, Fong then used his sniper on Roth-Del Masona however Masona blocked the fire and jumped up to attack Do, however Fong used his jet boots and plummeted into the arena and fought more however as soon as Dooku told the army to cease fire, Fong did as he was told then when Mace Windu declined Dooku's offer to surrender, Do fired a blaster bolt at Jedi Master Poq Kasay however Do saw above that the new Clone Army was arriving Fong then fled the Pentrakki Arena and fled to his ship.