Super Star Destroyer Executor the First Super Star Destroyer built at Fondor
The Fondor Shipyards were huge starship construction facilities located in orbit of the planet Fondor, in the Fondor system. Numerous capital ships and freighters were in construction here almost all the time.
Galactic Civil War[]
The shipyards were seized by the Galactic Empire shortly after the Battle of Yavin, and used to construct Darth Vader's Super Star Destroyer, the Executor.
The Rebel Alliance also made an attack against the orbital shipyards in year 3 ABY, which ended in the destruction of a prototype Super Star Destroyer that was equipped with cloaking devices.
After the Battle of Endor, the shipyards were Captured by the Jedi Resistance under Jedi Shama Fredur, who opperated out of the base until ABY 6, when the Jedi Ressistance Merged with the New Jedi Order. Tt was renamed to the Fondor Independent Shipyards and were used by the Alliance to Restore the Republic. A brief supply problem was solved after Han Solo escorted the two Venerated Ones to their home planet of Vandelhelm.
Yuuzhan Vong war[]
Fondor was the location of a crucial battle against the Yuuzhan Vong. Having been deceived by the Vong, the New Republic was caught fatally off guard by the attack at Fondor. Many Republic vessels were lost, most vaporized by an overly hasty firing of Centerpoint Station. Orbital Shipyard 1321, one of the orbiting shipyards, was rammed by several Yuuzhan Vong coralskippers during the battle, and destroyed.
Although the shipyards in general were largely in ruins, they continued to operate throughout the war. General Garm Bel Iblis later took up station at Fondor after the fall of Coruscant.
Second Galactic Civil War[]
As of 40 ABY, Fondor had allied with, and was producing ships for, the Confederation, and was soon targeted by Joint Chief of State Jacen Solo. However, the attempt to take the planet, including the yards and other assets, intact, failed, causing Solo to order the bombing of Oridin, a major Fondorian city, with the result being a split in the GA, but a more unified Fondor. During the battle, one of the docks repelled a GA boarding party. Others sustained heavy fire from Imperial and Galactic Alliance ships. It was revealed that the Fondorians had hidden large numbers of ships in the docks by making it appear that the ships were under construction.