Star Wars Fanon
This article is a fanon expansion of a topic from the Disney Canon. For the canon page entry, see here.

Foless was an urban planet located in the Duluur sector of the Colonies region. It was the site of the Battle of Foless during the Clone Wars.


Foless was situated in the galaxy's Colonies region, specifically in the Foless system of the Duluur sector. It was located at the intersection of the Corellian Trade Spine super-hyperroute and the Shipwrights' Trace, resulting in Foless being a major hub for commerce. Foless was in the same sector as Devaron and was not far from Fondor, Bestine IV, and Jakol. Although it retained oceans and some nature reserves, Foless was a heavily urbanized planet that was home to approximately 100 billion people of various sentient species. Foless was regarded as a fairly wealthy planet and boasted a sizeable Security Force for defense.


Colonized by Duros settlers around 20,000 BBY, Foless was a loyal member of the Galactic Republic for millennia. During the Clone Wars, Foless was considered to be a strategically valuable planet by both sides. It was the site of a major battle from 21 BBY to 20 BBY when it was attacked by the Confederacy of Independent Systems. The battle ended in a decisive Republic victory, preventing the Separatists from gaining a strategic advantage and resulting in the Republic launching a large-scale offensive.

Foless later fell under control of the Galactic Empire and became an important source of equipment and personnel for the Imperial Military.

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