Star Wars Fanon
Star Wars Fanon
Eclipse Timeline
Rebellion eraNew Republic era

I remember hearing about the Eternal Raven, the fleet was responsible for a victory of an important world a few decades back. I didn't know that "important world" was Earth.
Annabelle Nakamura during the First Mission to Earth

The Fleet of the Eternal Raven was an Imperial Navy fleet comprising several Imperial-class Star Destroyers and the Long Night of Solace, one of the few Executor II-class Star Dreadnoughts built by Kuat Drive Yards.

The Fleet of the Eternal Raven was one of thousands of fleets within the Imperial Navy and was responsible for claiming Earth from the Confederate States in 18 BBY. After the invasion, the fleet remained above Earth for almost four decades and its commanding officer Admiral Jek Nrahom left unaware of the Galactic Empire's collapse after the Battle of Endor and subsequent Imperial Civil War that followed.

Later in 21 ABY, the fleet was attacked by the Nakamura Home Fleet and after a long fought battle above Earth's orbit, the fleet was destroyed along with the Long Night of Solace, which was also reported to have been the last Executor II-class Star Dreadnought.
