Star Wars Fanon
This article is about the Imperial fleet featured in the Annabelle Redux timeline. You may be looking for the home fleet of the Galactic Eclipse Empire.
Rise of the Empire eraRebellion era

The Fleet of Imperial Justice was an Imperial Navy fleet assigned to Imperial Annabelle Nakamura by Grand Moff Tarkin and operated within the Outer Rim Territories. The fleet's flagship was the Schnee, an Imperial I-class Star Destroyer commanded by Admiral Annabelle herself while Captain James Lovegood served as second-in-command of the Fleet.

Between 5 ABY and 21 ABY, the Fleet became part of the First Order Navy, where Annabelle was demoted to Admiral.


Early rebellions[]

During the early years of rebellious groups, the fleet was used by Anna to strike fear into a pirate who was known to be an early rebellion sympathizer. The fleet's commanding officer Anna used a method—using his family as leverage—in which the sympathizer finally submitted to the Imperial force.

Despite early rebellion threats, the fleet never saw real combat against these threats until after the Battle of Scarif.

Galactic Civil War[]

When the Galactic Civil War finally broke out and the early rebellion was now an armed military, an element of the Fleet was stationed at the Shield Gate above Scarif where they were destroyed, allowing the Alliance to successfully steal plans to the Death Star, a superweapon capable of destroying planets at ease. This fueled Annabelle with rage and anger after she was informed both Star Destroyers defending the shield gate were from her fleet and destroyed.

Prior to the Battle of Yavin, the fleet remained in orbit above an unknown planet in the Core Worlds while Anna was transferred to take command of the Devastator, Darth Vader's personal Imperial-class Star Destroyer. However, following the destruction of the Death Star, the death of Grand Moff Tarkin and thousands of other Imperials, Anna returned to her fleet and joined the retaliation force sent to destroy the Rebel Alliance as they were evacuating from their hidden headquarters.

In the following months, the Fleet hunted down Alliance assets, forces, and sympathizers, earning the name "Fleet of Imperial Justice" among Imperial citizens, Imperial officers, Rebel Alliance personnel as well as pirates.

Hunting Rose Squadron[]

After Annabelle was given an assignment to hunt Rose Squadron, the fleet had mobilized and deployed its forces, searching for the Alliance unit.

Remnant Civil War[]

During the Battle of Hoth, the Fleet of Imperial Justice was present at an Outer Rim planet known as Remnant where it was torn in civil war between its kingdoms, taking part in three major battles.

Battle of Endor[]

After the Remnant Civil War was dealt with and the planet established as an Imperial world, the Fleet of Imperial Justice was ordered to join the larger task force above Endor in an effort to trap the Rebel Alliance and rid them from the galaxy once and for all. Annabelle was also promoted to Grand Admiral by Emperor Palpatine as well.

However, a battle took place between the Alliance Fleet and the much larger Death Squadron. During the battle, Anna's flagship, the Schnee, was heavily damaged by two MC80 Star Cruisers with the help of several Y-wing bombers.

Splinter faction[]

When the second Death Star was destroyed by Red Leader Wedge Antilles and after the deaths of both Palpatine and Darth Vader, the personnel of the Fleet looked up to Annabelle for direction as most of the Empire's leadership were killed. In response the fleet was ordered to retreat from the battle and became the sole fleet of an Imperial splinter faction formed by Annabelle, retaining her title as Grand Admiral.

This splinter group consisted most of the original ships part of the Fleet. During this timeframe, the Fleet came into conflict with the Fleet of the Eternal Raven commanded by Admiral Jek Nrahom, whom had a friendly rivalry with Annabelle in the past. This conflict with Jek's Fleet decimated most of the ships within the Fleet, and Annabelle gradually replaced each destroyed ship with another, though this was sometimes not always the case.

Battle of Jakku[]

By the time of the Battle of Jakku, the Fleet was reduce to a mere single ISDI, two ISDIIs and two Raider II corvettes. After her conflict with Jek Nrahom, the remaining Imperial forces gathered on the desert world Jakku to take a stand against the New Republic, the successor to the Alliance to Restore the Republic, the Fleet of Imperial Justice was called upon by Counselor to the Empire Gallius Rax to join them in the final battle against the Republic.

However, the battle ended in the favour of the New Republic due to the actions of another Grand Admiral, Rae Sloane. In the aftermath, the remaining ships of the Fleet of Imperial Justice retreated with other survivors, including Rae, to the Unknown Regions where they became the First Order. The Fleet continued to operate within its Navy where Annabelle was demoted to Admiral and most of its ships decommissioned, retired and replaced by newer, modern ships, such as Resurgent-class Star Destroyers.

Starships of the Fleet of Imperial Justice[]

