Star Wars Fanon
Legacy era

Of course I'm prepared for war. That is my business.
—Fissam the Lesser after signing the treaty.

Fissam the Lesser was the Geonosian archduke of Geonosis after the death of Poggle the Lesser.


Being prepared[]

Fissam was elected the new archduke after the death of his best friend at the hands of Darth Vader. Fissam became the seventh member to join the organization known as the Confederacy of Independent Systems (Exiled) which was formed by Poggle's fellow member Nute Gunray (CISE). Fissam had brought plenty of Geonosians to help join their new army. Fissam also had an aide named Gizor Dellso. Dellso was killed by the 501st Legion on Mustafar.


Fissam and the other council members' lives were ended by Danny in 43 ABY. Fissam was the tenth to die when the Sith Lord cut off one of his arms, one of his legs, stabbed him, and dissected him.
