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Fiskerites were a bipedal race from the Inner Rim planet Trulikoo.


An order called the Great Ones dominated Fiskerite culture until their homeworld was discovered by the Republic in 14,948 BBY. They quickly joined galactic civilization and many Fiskerites spread to other worlds. By 10,000 BBY, they colonized three other planets in the Inner Rim, four in the Expansion Region and one in the Colonies, near Giju on the planet Phlokos. Over the next three thousand years, they colonized nine planets in the Mid Rim, five in what would become the Dalchon and the Nilgaard sectors of the Outer Rim, and two more in the Expansion Region. The resurgence of the Great Ones in 6,810 BBY put an end to the colonization.

A Fiskerite Jedi named Heig Moac rescued his people from the tyranny of the Great Ones in 6,228 BBY but they were not entirely exterminated until the assassin droid 3X-AK2R destroyed them in 488 BBY. Dzorra, one of the Fiskerite colonies in the Inner Rim launched its own colony ships, sending settlers to Lyrbeel VI in 5,259 BBY, Onnewjon in 5,239 BBY, and Blackdot in 375 BBY. The colony of Veezigin colonized the planet of Ubbvoni in 2,322 BBY. In 39 BBY, Trukiloo sent a colony ship to ZR-8X-OST5-M and established an industrial port but its small population was massacred by Separatists during the Clone Wars.

