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RM 1stsgt

Rank insignia for First Sergeant within the Republic Marines.

First Sergeant was a mid-level grade of sergeant, and the fifth or sixth non-commissioned officer rank within most military forces across the galaxy, including the Republic Army, Republic Marines, and later the Imperial Army. Though the rank of First Sergeant was equal in grade to Master Sergeant within the Army, the Marine Corps counted it as a separate rank, between Master Sergeant and Master Gunnery Sergeant.

No matter the service branch, within both the Republic Military and its Imperial successors holders of the rank of First Sergeant were responsible for the enlisted and non-commissioned officers who served within company-sized units. As the lead unit NCO, they served as a point of contact on the chain of command, bringing matters to the attention of the company's commanding officer. Within the Marine Corps, first sergeants also served as senior instructors for advanced training courses for both enlistees and officers.

Known First Sergeants[]


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