Star Wars Fanon
Old Republic era

First Dorn was a senior member of the Dark Vanguard. One of Valin Aresh's first disciples, he studied under both the Dark Lord and General Eviar Seldec. He chose to specialize in Makashi, both as an homage to Seldec and because of its superior dueling capabilities.


Firsts Besh, Cresh, and Dorn were cloned from Seldec and grown together, after the success of First Aurek's development. However, unlike Aurek—who was the closest to a pure clone—Urzelda Krosinth developed each of the next three for slightly different temperaments and abilities. Dorn was the most intellectual among his brothers, and, as they grew, served as a foil for First Besh, who was more militant. Like his three "elder brothers", Dorn emerged as a leader among all other Vanguardians, even junior First Ranks.

When the Supreme Modality acquired Cademimu V, Aresh placed First Dorn in command of the planet's military and gave him supervisory control of the region's defenses. Second Aurek was attached to First Dorn's staff as a second-in-command, though the two were often at loggerheads. First Dorn had a better working relationship with Niphus Nort, the civilian governor of Cademimu. First Besh commanded the eastern front against the New Sith Empire, and he and Dorn often traded intelligence by holoconference with First Aurek. After First Isk captured Aldayr Nikodon and sent him to Ciutric IV, Dorn sent him the painting Triumph of the Will as a gift.

As Mali Darakhan prepared to resume campaigning, First Dorn monitored the Republic's preparations. Correctly deducing that the Battle of Phaeda was only a test, First Dorn withheld his forces rather than retaliate. He also predicted Darakhan would launch diversionary attacks to draw Modality forces away from Cademimu, his primary target. When Operation Liberator commenced, First Dorn was thus unsurprised by the reports of attacks on Smarck, Polus, and Noonar.

A riot in the Capital District near the Cademiman Cultural Tower drew his attention, but he correctly assessed it was a diversion, and was prepared to meet Tirien Kal-Di and the 6th Republic Marine Force Reconnaissance Platoon when they invaded the tower. Leaving Fourth Besh and Fourth Leth to deal with the Marines, First Dorn dueled Kal-Di. The two were well-matched, but Kal-Di ultimately mortally wounded First Dorn. The Vanguardian took his defeat with grace, but when Kal-Di tried to subdue him with morichro to take him prisoner, First Dorn attempted to activate his internal microbomb. Before he could, Kyjo shot him in the head, killing him instantly.

Powers and abilities[]

First Dorn was a master swordsman, able to equal Tirien Kal-Di, and so skillful that he had merely to touch his lightsaber as a warning for Second Aurek to stop arguing with him. He was strong in the Force, and could employ telekinesis while dueling. He was intelligent enough to correctly predict nearly every aspect of Operation Liberator except the attack on Agamar.

Like most First Rank Vanguardians, he spoke both High Galactic and Galactic Basic Standard fluently.

Appearance and personality[]

First Dorn was tall and muscular for a Human, and dressed in the standard Vanguardian attire of armor, hood, lower face mask, and a cloak denoting his rank. His eyes, though usually red and yellow from immersion in the dark side, were naturally either pale blue or gray; they reverted to this state shortly before his death. He carried a curved-hilt lightsaber with a red blade.

He enjoyed reading and the study of history and art, and often felt stifled by the lack of intellectual equals nearby. Though he was a Humanocentrist like his master and colleagues, he showed a degree of respect and professional courtesy to Tirien Kal-Di, considering the Jedi an intellectual peer, if not a biological equal. On the other hand, he detested Kenza Rowkwani—not merely because she was non-Human, but because she had killed Eviar Seldec.

