Star Wars Fanon

The First Battle of Corellia (Successors War) was the opening engagement of the Successors War. A military engagement between the forces of Darth Proditor, and the defense fleet surrounding Corellia, the battle began quickly, and ended shortly.

The battle began with the Corellia defense fleet being surprised by the sudden arrival of Proditor's fleet. Although the outbreak of civil war had been looming since Proditor's succession to the throne just weeks before hand, but no-one had expected such a quick military response.

The battle[]

With Proditor's forces jumping out of Hyperspace almost directly over Corellia Prime, Edella's defense fleet was overwhelmed and outmaneuvered by Proditor's superior numbers.

Edella's forces put up a valiant defense, destroying multiple enemy warships, but to no avail. They were quickly forced out of orbit of the planet and surrounded. They were totally destroyed.


Following the battle, Corellia Prime was invaded by Darth Proditor's Sith troopers, but the planet held. The garrison on Corellia managed to get a stray transmission through Proditor's jamming net, informing Edella of Corellia's invasion. It was quickly replied too.

Battles of the Successors War
Sith CouncilCorellia 1Corellia 2Cato NeimoidiaBespinKlatooineManaan
Nar ShaddaaSluis Van ShipyardsKorribanYavinCoruscantChandrila