The First Battle of Agamar was an engagement of Operation Liberator during the New Sith Wars. Under cover of several other attacks on Supreme Modality worlds, including a major offensive against the Cademimu V, Jedi General Mali Darakhan led a small force to capture Agamar, which controlled the Mirgoshir hyperspace crossroads, a vital junction to reaching the Modality capital at Ciutric IV. Agamar had deployed some of its resources to assist Cademimu, leaving it disadvantaged against attack itself.
Darakhan commanded the initial naval engagement and ground assaults from the Starstorm—having sent his own flagship, the Coronet's Jewel, to Cademimu—but ultimately led a Republic Special Forces company into Calna Muun to capture the planetary leaders and deal with whatever members of the Dark Vanguard had been left in command. He gave naval command over the Rear Admiral Kenlennee Renleaux. Recognizing that the Republic's victory was inevitable on the ground, First Grek ordered his forces to deploy the herbicidal weapon codenamed Wasting Green, intending to deprive the Republic of Agamar's resources as an agriworld while he escaped to the fleet in hopes of repelling the Republic Navy.
Darakhan and First Grek came to blows before the Vanguardian could reach his shuttle; after a violent duel, Darakhan killed First Grek and captured his aide, Captain Bezu. Apprised of the existence of Wasting Green from Bezu's datapad, he was able to mitigate its deployment, though an entire continent suffered an outbreak. Agamar surrendered after all the Vanguardians on world were killed.
- The Way of the Krayt Dragon
- Behind Enemy Lines (Mentioned only)