Fireplumes were a species of birds native to the planet Neroth. They were known for their vibrant coloring and their singing.
Fireplumes were small-sized birds, with a wingspan of 20 centimeters. They had two legs ending with tridactyl feet and dark blue skin. Fireplumes were named for their vibrant feathers: their bodies were sunset pink, gradually turning orange then red at the ends of their wings and tail feathers. The species was sexually dimorphic, as males have a "crown" of crest fathers that are teal with pink tips.
Fireplumes had four eyes, two on each side, with the pair closest to their beak being the larger. They had short, curved beaks that enabled them to crush nuts and eat tough-skinned fruit. Occasionally, fireplumes preyed upon insects, and very rarely swooped down to water-level to catch small fish.
Males underwent courtly rituals that resembled dancing and periodically fought rivals over mates. The birds mated for life and were resident nesters; they cared for their young and stayed in a certain territory in Neroth's jungles or mountain slopes. Fireplumes had a sweet, high-pitched melodious call, and often performed "songs". Their relaxed nature, bonding, and singing made them attractive and popular as pets.
Behind the scenes[]
The fireplumes were inspired by the extinct Kauaʻi ʻōʻō.