Star Wars Fanon

Imperator was the title given to regional governors of Gargan's Empire. Imperators collectively governed the many systems of Gargan Space except for the Inner Realms, which were controlled directly by the Order of Gargan. Their numbers and duties varied, and throughout history they acted as little less than proxies for the Order of Gargan. However, Imperators were considered to be high-ranking officers in the Armada of the Red Sun, and so in theory held sway over vast portions of the military.

The title first came to use during the Gargan Conquests. During which, Imperators were autonomous naval commanders who were given the authority to command their own troops without needing to answer to the Gargan or Mordan in terms of military strategy. Instead, they were free to carry out their own invasions in name of the Gargan.

Additionally, Imperators formed judicial committees for the ruling elite. When a Kolkan stepped out of line, or was accused of acting against the interests of the state, the Imperators were allowed to conduct their own investigations, determine their innocence or guilt, and carry out the punishment accordingly. In this way, the Empire ensured that the noble families still maintained relative free reign, although they were constantly put under surveillance to ensure their power wouldn't exceed that of the Gargan himself.
