Star Wars Fanon

Old Republic era

Death Tyrant, or Asrial Jaeden, was a self proclaimed Sith Lord who was born  thousands years before the Battle of Yavin 4. Raised on the small planet of Oythe where he spent most of his life as a farmer, around 34,000 BBY, he left Oythe and became a self proclaimed Sith Lord and was Dubbed DeathTyrant.


Asrial Jaeden was born to Adrian Jaeden and Licktor Jaeden on Oythe, a small grassy planet that was ridden with poorness and criminals. At a early age Asrial was taught the art of Staff fighting to protect himself, along with a form of Karate. Asrial was a prime student, catching on quickly and impressing his father and mother both. The family owned a small Ranch on the outskirts of the city, forced to till their own ground for barely any food. Later, Dark Jedi moved to the planet to escape the Old Republic from finding them, as they had murdered a Jedi Master  a week prior. The Dark Jedi forced the seed and fruit markets on Oythe to sell seeds only to them, at the price of 0 credits, and death was promised to anyone who rebelled against them. This caused a major loss of food, and a even bigger loss of land fertility, causing many to go severely hungry, killing a few as well. Asrials father died later when he cut himself with his own axe, and without the special fruits needed, Adrian was unable to make the disinfectant, causing Licktor to get severe gangren in his leg, which eventually killed him. Angered, Asrial took his Staff and modified it into a doube bladed Vibrostaff, and, after finding the location of the Dark Jedi, killed them in they're sleep. Asrial then using his Virbostaff to decapitate one of the Dark Jedi, and hung it from the town center. The Next morning Asrial was worshiped by his fellow Villagers, and the nickname "Dark destroyer" was given to him. Asrials mother dissaproved of his actions, stating murder is never the way.


Adrian: “What have you done? Murder is never the way! Even if they deserved it!
Asrial: “They were keeping all the seeds for themselves, so I ended their occupation here, are you not glad, mother? Have I dont yet another thing wrong in yout eyes?
Adrian: “ Murder is never the way Asrial Jaeden, it is never the way, no I am not glad, my son. For you have just made everything worse!

— Adrian Jaeden and her son Asrial Jaeden argue over his murder of the Dark Jedi[src]

After the argument, a fleet of Pirates came, as they had a alliance with the Dark Jedi. Upon finidng out the murder of they're allies, and who was responsible, Asrial was forced to leave the planet to avoid being killed or bringing more toruble to his mother. Asrial stole one of the Pirate fighters, and fled the system, heading to Jocade, which at that time was a baren world, but rich in only plants. For ten years afterwords, Asrial would stay hidden in the jungles of the planet, eating fruits and making his home in caves. While there, Asrial began to realize that, just like the Dark Jedi he killed, he had some Force power with-in him. Diving into the mystery of the force, Asrial began to use his hatred of Jedi, and of his own mother for bashing him, into a fueled rage that would become one of the strongest bounds with the Dark side of the Force. Now knowing what his mission was, Asrial left the planet yet again, this time heading for Ingza Prime for resources, now planning to build his own "Jedi" weapon. Upon landing, Asrial killed many Ingzan people, as doing so would be "fun" for him.

Asrial Jaeden: “Mmm, your blood feels warm on my face, Ingzan, I enjoy butchering your 'people'.
Ingzan guard: “No! Let me go!
Asrial Jaeden: “Ahahahahahahaha! NO!
Ingzan guard: “No please-- AHHH!
Asrial Jaeden: “*Throws the dead Ingzan aside and looks at the others* Anyone else wanna play with me today?
— Asrial Jaeden killing Ingzan guards that stand in his way of the metal deposits.[src]

                                                                    After reaching the mines, Asrial stole the parts needed to make his new weapon, using a makeshift workshop, Asrial created his first Double Bladed Lightsaber. Leaving a massive Ingzan massacre in his wake. This soon alerted Republic spies, who were watching the Ingzans, of the presence of a new Sith. The Jedi quickly dispatched a Jedi Master Oaben S'Feri to confront the new Sith "Lord".

DeathTyrant is born[]

Upon arriving to Ingza Prime, Master Oaben was told by the Ingzans of what Asrial did, and prepared to kill him. Oaben quickly scouted the forest, leaving his troops behind, Asrial quickly ambushed him, and a furious lightsaber fight began.


Asrials offensive attacks quickly struck down the Jedi master, even more so when Asria revealed he could split his saber staff in two for two handed combat, soon after, Oaben's troops were also murdered by Asrial.

Ingzan: “That was no normal person.
Ingzan#2: “It was like he controled them, and killed them, as if he controlled death itself.
Ingzan: “Yes, as if he was the king of death, a death tyrant.

— Asrial gets his alias[src]


Taking the name Death Tyrant, Asrial figured it was time for a revolt against the Jedi. Forcing the Ingzan government to give him a fleet of Star Destroyers and some troops, Death Tyrant created the Tyrant-class Star destroyer, also forcing the Ingzan government to built 50 of them. By now, it was 39,000 BBY when all the ordered weaponry was finished. Death Tyrant also equipped all of his troops with the Heyezaqi-Okniona Submachine Gun, a small but powerful and accurate gun, while other, elite units of his small group, carried the BAR-87. Another uniqe unit in Death Tyrant's army, was the Ingzan HAC-44, a small but great canon. Death Tyrant had plans for attacks on Corucaunt and Illum seeing as those were two prime planets in the galaxy for the Jedi.

Final battle and Death[]

Death Tyrant quickly raided and attacked the Jedi home world Corucaunt while another half of his group went and blew up a major Lightsaber Crystal cave on illum. On Corucaunt, Death Tyrant left behind his flag ship in space along with the rest of the fleet, instead going onto the ground with his Elite unit, killing many Republic gaurds on the way into the Jedi Temple. Where he killed over 30 Jedi, finally, a group of Republic Guards managed to kill off the Elite units, while Police Droids scanned the street. It was then that Death Tyrant confronted Jedi Master Lax durax, a Jedi who also used a Saberstaff. Wanting a challenge, Death Tyrant rushed the Jedi, and after five minutes, the Jedi master got the upper hand after using a Slash and push move, causing Death Tyrant to be sent through a statue before being impailed by Lax's lightsaber throw. Death Tyrant died soon after, and his fleet in space, stranded without a ruler, retreated. They disbanded soon after, returning to their home planets.


Death Tyrant was the inspiration of a better Sith order, and his altered Mandalorian armor would later inspire Darth Revan to wear a similar outfit. Death Tyrant also was one of the first Sith to carry a lightsaber with two blades, influencing Darth Maul years later to follow after his idea that one handed lightsaber combat was too limited. For a short time, a Force Hologram of Death Tyrant was used in the Jedi temple as one of the Jedi trials for controling conflicting emotion.
