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Born on Chalacta, Fias Inkari was a Chalactan Jedi General who, along with Commander Focus, led the 257th Legion of the Grand Army of the Republic during the Clone Wars. Fias was Karnica's Padawan and became a Jedi Knight and general at the age of 25 in 22 BBY. He died at 28 during Order 66 on Kinrah shortly after the Battle of Kinrah.
Early life[]
Fias lived a happy childhood and belonged to her parents Rubis and Raze Inkari. They worked as a farmer and a bartender respectively on the planet of Chalacta. One day in 39 BBY at the age of eight though, Rubis brought Fias over to visit Inkari at his job where Fias unexpectedly started moving utensils around without touching them- ironically, Akela Taske, a Jedi padawan was at the same bar and reported the incident to Miran Torlo, her master. Her parents were astonished and happily let Miran bring the force-sensitive child to Coruscant to train to become a Jedi.