Star Wars Fanon
Old Republic era

If all of my years of campaigning has taught me anything, it's that who dares—wins. And that Jedi has just dared.
—General Teska's last words

Fendon Teska was a Human male who served as a general in the army of the Sith Empire.


Teska was a Human male serving the Sith Empire as a general early on during the Cold War. He was an experienced front-line commander, having fought throughout the entire Great Galactic War. Being old by the end of the conflict, but not necessarily a worse officer, he was stationed aboard a new experimental vessel—the Devastator, the first of a new class of warships. It was under the command of Grand Admiral Marino Sevir, someone who he enjoyed talking to. There, he commanded the army troops stationed aboard. Teska was given the fairly simple assignment due to his age. However, a Jedi Knight infiltrated the ship, and managed tosabotage it, destroying the Devastator. Everyone aboard was killed, including Teska.

Personality and traits[]

Teska was a hardened soldier as well as a competent military commander, and was considered to be a good tactician. Described by colleague Captain Malkova as "the old campaigner", he continued to serve the Empire despite his age. However, he was stationed aboard the Devastator for an easier assignment, as his superiors felt that Teska would no longer be as good for front line combat due to his age. But he nonetheless enjoyed his assignment, and liked talking with Grand Admiral Sevir and Captain Malkova. Teska was consider a traditionalist, and used the more common tacticis rather than unorthodox ones.
