Star Wars Fanon
Rise of the Empire era

Federal League Limmie was a major co-ed limmie league throughout the Core Worlds. Many planets had teams and were represented in the League, including Coruscant.

The Hosnian Prime Miners won the championship in 57 BBY. The Coruscant Mynocks, with their star player Cambria Verpine, won the championship in 39 BBY. In 37 BBY, the Chandrila Chiefs defeated the Alderaan Daylights 2-1.


A few of the teams in the league during the decades prior to the Clone Wars are listed below:

Behind the scenes[]

"Federal League Limmie" was named after the hockey league ("Federal League") in the 1977 film Slap Shot. (See also: User:Dubya Scott/Hockey)

