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The Sith shall always exist, just as the Jedi will. This is the order of things. There must always be two. The balance of light and dark.
—Far'Tak Katar to Luke Skywalker

Jedi Master Far'Tak Katar served as the Head of the Jedi Order following the death of his master, Alsius Hoth. He was also the oldest living Jedi at the time of his death and was the last surviving Pre-Ruusan Jedi. He was succeeded in the role of Jedi Lord by Ulgen Skywalker.


Katar was born in 4,000 BBY and was a Padawan at the time of Revan's fall to the dark side. Though a changeling, Katar maintained much of the same appreace for most of his life, only switching between Human and Zabrak on occasion. When Revan visited the Jedi Enclave on Dantoonie, Katar met him and was amazed at the sight of the great Jedi.

Madalorian War[]

Although Katar didn't agree with the Council's decision to wait and evaluate the threat, he refused to join with Revan to fight the Madalorians.

Jedi Civil War[]

At the time of the Jedi Civil War, Katar was only a Jedi Padawan under the tutelage of Jedi Master Vandar Tokare. He refused to join in the fighting of the Civil War. When Revan was defeated and Malak took over as Lord of the Sith, Katar was close to becoming a Jedi Knight, but his promotion was delayed by the onslaught of Sith army.

First Jedi Purge[]

Little is known of what happened to Katar during this time but he somehow managed to survive the First Jedi Purge and eventually rejoined the Jedi Order.

Cold War/Return of the Sith[]

During the Cold War, Katar served as a general and aided Revan in his fight against the Sith Emperor. When he learned of Meetra Surik's death at the hands of the Emperor, Katar vowed to kill him. Surik had been a close friend of his during his training and was deeply saddened by her death. Although he fought bravely against the Sith, he was forced to retreat. Unable to rejoin the fighting, he blamed himself for the failure to kill the Sith. He would later serve as Jedi Temple guard on Tython.

Jedi Knight[]

In 3,000 BBY, Katar was finally appointed as a Jedi Knight. For the next thousand years, he helped train an unknown amount of Jedi, many of whom he saw die in his lifetime This had a profound effect on his life, making him dedicating himself to restoring peace throughout the galaxy as best he could.

Jedi Master[]

On 2,000 BBY, Katar became a Jedi Master and took an apprentice. However, this apprentice fell to the dark side and Katar was forced to kill him. Saddened by his failure, he refused to take another apprentice.

Hoth's apprentice[]

In 1,100 ABY, he became Asius Hoth's apprentice during the 100 Year Jedi-Sith War. When Hoth became Lord of the Jedi, Katar became Grand Master of the Jedi. The war finally ended but Hoth was killed. He had sacrificed himself to save the other Jedi.

Lord of the Jedi[]

After Hoth's death in 540 BBY, he became the new Jedi Lord because he had been Hoth's only living apprentice. As Jedi Lord, he reigned over a time of unusual peace. He found it odd, as in his lifetime, he had seen the Sith rise and fall several times. He knew that they would back but he had hoped that he would never live to see it.


In 140 BBY, Katar married a woman he met on a mission to Dantoonie. He had gone to Dantoonie to visit the ruins of the Jedi Enclave there. When he arrived there, he found the skeletons of Jedi Masters Vrook, Kavar, and Zez Kai-Ell. After burying their remains, he met a woman named Lora near the ruins. He feel in love with her and she also feel in love with him and they married a month later. Although marriage was not allowed by the Jedi Code, he disobeyed it and married her. Although he was in trouble with Council when they learned of this, they couldn't do anything, since he was the leader of the Jedi Order. In 100 BBY, Lora became ill and Katar didn't know how to help her. She passed away one month later, emotionally damaging the aged Jedi.


In 40 BBY, Lord Katar officially stepped down as leader of the Jedi after over 900 years as leader. Publicly, he said that was tired of leading and wished to live the rest of his life in peace. Secretly, he ruled the Jedi from the shadows. Masters Windu and Yoda became the official leaders of the Jedi and often reported events to him. He remained out of public sight for years, usually only appearing to end arguments within the Order or "fix" problems that occurred on Courscant or neighboring planets.

Order 66[]

When the clone troopers received Order 66 from Palpatine, Katar sensed a great disturbance in the Force. He was too late however to warn the other Jedi of what he had felt. He joined in the fighting at the Temple in order to defend it. He was able to escape the carnage and moved to Dantoonie, where he lived in the ruins of the Jedi Enclave.


In 17 BBY, the Empire sent a fleet to Dantooine to capture and/or kill the escaped Jedi Lord after learning of presence on the planet. Leading the force was Darth Vader, determined to kill the old Jedi who had escaped him two years earlier. Vader ordered most of his soldiers to kill the settlers and burn their homes. He then went to the enclave with a commando team of Storm Troopers to kill Lord Katar. There, Vader found not only Katar but another Jedi and Katar's personal droid. Katar's apprentice, Thane, charged the Sith but was easily cut down. The droid, JD-03, fired at the Sith Lord with his blaster rifle but was shot down by the commando team. Katar then fled into the enclave. Katar lured Vader and his team into the sublevel and killed all members of the team one by one, except for Vader. They faced each other in the old library in the sublevel, where it seemed as though Fazio would win. When Vader seemed to surrender, Katar followed the Jedi code and refused to strike him down. As he turned to leave, Vader drew his lightsaber and struck Katar through his abdomen, mortally wounding him. As he lay dying, Katar laughed at Vader, saying that his anger would be his downfall. As his last final act, Katar unleashed a barrage of force energy, which damaged Vader's suit and destroyed all of the information within the library. After that, Katar faded into the force, finally succumbing to his wounds.


Katar shortly before his death on Dantooine.


In 20 ABY, Katar returned as a Force Spirit to help train new Jedi. He had appeared to Grand Master Luke Skywalker following the death of Darth Vader and the destruction of the Second Death Star along with Masters Yoda and Kenobi. He told Luke that one day, he would return to help him. As a Force Spirit, he helped train many of the Jedi, including Ulgen Skywalker, Katar's successor as Jedi Lord. However, in 70 ABY, Katar's spirit drifted too far away from the mortal world and appeared one last time to Luke. He told him that this would be the last time that he would appear. He warned him that the Sith were not destroyed, that they would always exist. He had seen several rises and falls if the Sith and they had always managed to survive. After giving Luke that warning, he disappeared forever.


Katar became a beacon of hope in the New Jedi Order. A statue of him was erected outside the main entrance to the Jedi Temple. Under the statue read, "Far'Tak Katar, Eternal Leader of the Jedi Order". Following his death and the rise of the New Jedi Order, Ulgen Skywalker became the next Jedi Lord. Although he is remembered as a great fighter and caring man, he is also thought of as a weak leader of the Jedi by some due to the Sith emerging and nearly destroying the Jedi during his lifetime.

Personality and traits[]

He openly opposed the restriction on Jedi marriage, stating that if Jedi married, their children would be force sensitive, thus adding more Jedi to the Order. He was also a very caring person, often helping the poor and those without family. He also was a strong leader but was blamed for the many conflicts with the Sith during reign as Jedi Lord. Katar was often at ends with Jedi Council. While he was a Padawan, he had blamed the Council for the Jedi Civil War because of their lack to act when the Republic asked for assistance. He overturned many of the Council's decisions because he didn't trust them. This led to trouble within the Order but Katar always managed to keep the peace.


  • Katar was the second Lord of the Jedi.
  • He was one of the last Jedi to die before the Battle of Yavin.
  • He was close friends with Yoda and Yoda felt a deep disturbance in the force when Katar was killed


  • Star Wars: Episode I - The Chosen One (First mentioned)
  • Star Wars: Battlefront II (non-canon)
  • Star Wars: Rise of the Jedi Lords
  • Star Wars: The Hunt for the Jedi (upcoming/first canon appearance)