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Morsian anti-Vong poster 2

A propaganda poster c. 27/28 ABY featuring a prominent phrase from the speech

Expurgate ab existentia in Old Morsian, or Purge them from existence in Galactic Basic Standard was a speech given by Morsian senator Jannus Surr'iar to the Morsian Senate in 27 ABY shortly after the fall of Coruscant during the Yuuzhan Vong War. It was as a result of this conquest of Coruscant as well as numerous setbacks and campaign fails by the Morsian Empire during their campaigns against the Yuuzhan Vong.


The Yuuzhan Vong had invaded the galaxy two years prior in 25 ABY, prompting an armed response by all major factions of the galaxy, including the New Republic and Imperial Remnant. The Morsian Empire, as a part of the New Republic, joined the war, pitting the legions of the Morsian Army against the warrior class of the Yuuzhan Vong. However, it would result in numerous military defeats due to the armor of the Vong being resistant to lightsabers, the main melee weapon of the Morsian army. Combined with the unrelenting tide of the Vong which was seemingly unstoppable by all factions, and the terrifying rate that the Vong was capturing and laying waste to planets, both war support and morale was steadily dropping, not only in the Morsian Empire but also the wider galaxy.

By 27 ABY, the Vong had reached the Core Worlds and a ferocious, pitch battle occurred for Coruscant, resulting in the capture of Coruscant and its subsequent terraforming by the Vong. The loss of Coruscant cemented, in the eyes of the galaxy and Morsian Empire alike, the destruction of the New Republic and its collapse. This only served to plunge Morsian morale further, and the Morsian Senate discussed extreme measures to deal with the Vong.

During the prior two years, the army and navy had been undergoing mass expansion in an attempt to push bodies to the front line to stem the Vong advance. However the Morsians had been fighting in accordance to their war crime charter, a governing document that determined how war was fought for them. The Vong, however, proved a problem for the charter, and a decision was eventually made to disregard it, cast it to the side, and enter total mobilisation as a state of total war. Amongst the things governed in it were so-called "Forbidden weapons", specialist equipment and weapons of mass destruction, including Acid Projectors, Liquid Nitrogen Projectors and the destructive Singularity device.

The fall of Coruscant, collapse of the New Republic and losses sustained to the unending tide of the Vong prompted the Morsian Senate to adopt the resolution of total, no quarter given, war. A speech given by Jannus was one of the last to the Senate before it near unanimously agreed to undergo desperate measures to halt the Vong and turn the tide of war both in the favor of the Morsians and the galaxy alike.

Speech transcript[]

Galactic Basic[]

The Yuuzhan Vong are the greatest threat the galaxy has ever seen, the greatest threat it has ever known, and if something is not done fast, the last threat it will ever know. Now is the time to act decisively and throw the full might of our empire and the rest of the galaxy at them, as if we want to ensure the continued existence of our empire, our people and the galaxy as we know it, the Yuuzhan Vong must be destroyed.

The war is not going in the favor of the galaxy, and for too long now we have been playing by our rules. Our rules only extend the creatures of our galaxy, not some extra-galactic filth washed in by the hyperlanes. What I propose is a state of total war against the threat. The time is right for the Morsian Empire to enter total mobilisation and throw everything we have against our enemy.

No quarter shall be given. No leniency given to those surrendered. No mercy to those who survive. The Yuuzhan Vong must be eradicated. Every trace of them wiped from the face of the galaxy. Every last one of them slaughtered and destroyed. The fall of Coruscant is the last straw, the New Republic has fallen. The Morsian Empire is the last hope for the galaxy.

Any and all means necessary will be taken to ensure the state survives and that the galaxy is not crushed under the heel of these sub-human barbarians. The forbidden weapons will be issued to our front-line troops, superweapons will be authorized and singularity devices used on every single Vong force we encounter.

Purge the Yuuzhan Vong from the galaxy.

The Vong must be destroyed. Not a single trace left of their existence in the civilized galaxy will be left. We shall rid ourselves of this threat and ensure that it's relegated to the history books"
—Jannus Surr'iar

Old Morsian[]

In Yuuzhan Vong maximum periculum galaxia vidit, maximam comminationem scivit, et si aliquid non ieiunat, ultimum periculum sciet. Nunc tempus est ad rem agendam ac mittendam plenam vim imperii nostri et reliquam galaxiae in illis, quasi volumus efficere permanentiam imperii nostri, homines nostri et galaxia, sicut id novimus, Yuuzhan Vong delenda est.

Bellum in galaxia favore non est, et per regulas nostras diutius ludimus. Regulae nostrae creaturas solum galaxiae nostrae extendunt, non aliquas sordes extra-galacticae hyperlanis ablutis. Totum bellum contra periculum propono. Tempus est Imperium Morsianum totam convocationem inire et omnia quae contra hostem habemus iactare.

Nulla venia dabitur. Nulla lenitas deditis data est. Nulla misericordia illis qui supersunt. In Yuuzhan Vong evelli debet. Omne eorum vestigium a facie galaxia detergitur. Omnes novissime unus ex illis interfecerunt et interfecerunt. Lapsus Coruscant novissima palea, Nova Respublica cecidit. Imperium Morsianum est spes ultima galaxia.

Quodvis et omnino necessarium erit, ut res publica superstes sit, ne galaxia sub calce humanorum barbarorum sub-teriatur. Arma prohibita ad cohortes nostras emittentur, super arma erunt auctoritates et machinae singulares quae in singulis Vong vi occurrant.

Purga Yuuzhan Vong a galaxia.

Vong delenda est. Ne vestigium quidem existentiae eorum in galaxia humaniore relinquetur. Hac comminatione nos eximemus et curabimus ut in historiarum libros relegemur."
—Jannus Surr'iar


Like many of the other worlds, species and factions in the galaxy, the Morsians were desperate to deal with the invaders and war escalation was well received. The speech was a hit with the Senate, and won over a few senators, even though a vast majority of the Senate was agreed on escalating the war already.

Outside of the Morsian Empire, however, Jannus's speech, like many of the others before him in that short space of time, was very well received by the rest of the galaxy. It indicated, much like the other speeches of the time, that the Morsian Empire was set on pushing its full might against the Vong, and it helped to rally the rest of the galaxy into continuing the fight, showing that there was at least one power willing to fight to the end.


Many regarded Jannus's speech, and those of other senators at similar times, to be both rallying calls and persuading speeches alike to the Senate and wider populace to get them on board with committing to a war economy and spending most of its time, manpower and resources into destroying the Vong. Indeed, much like senator Plinius Garr'atum's "Imperium Delenda Est" speech before him, many noticed similarities in its mannerisms and phrases used in hopes of achieving the same success in winning over the Senate and populace. Jannus employed the similar phrase of "Vong delenda est", much like Plinius did with "Imperium delenda est", and the speech followed a similar layout.

These were mostly unneeded, as by the time Jannus made his speech, the Senate was already decided in going through with desperate measures against the Vong. Nevertheless, it was well received by both the Senate and populace alike, much like most of the rousing speeches given, and passed through to history as a remembered speech in a time of dire uncertainty and fear.
