Star Wars Fanon
Star Wars Fanon

Rebellion eraGalactic Eclipse Empire era

We've used the template of the original Executor-class Star Dreadnought, and made it longer and better. The armament emplacements have been doubled and more powerful than the original class. With our shield technology, the PX-4x generators allow the ship to withstand fire from even the biggest warships.
Jacques Tachibana on the Executor-class Super Star Dreadnought[src]

The Executor-class Super Star Dreadnought[1] was a warship of Tachibana Heavy Engineering.[1] It served as a direct successor to the Executor-class Star Dreadnought.[1] It was used by the Eclipse Navy and served as the flagship of the Fleet of Imperial Justice and the entire Navy itself.[1] It was also equipped with twenty PX-4x shield generators and a ton of powerful armament in that it was sometimes considered overpowered by Eclipse Officers and citizens.[1]

Executor-class Super Star Dreadnought

The Executor-class Super Star Dreadnought when compared to an Executor-class Star Dreadnought.

The only warship of this class was the Long Night of Solace which was used by the Joint Chiefs of the Military as their headquarters while at the same time serving as the Chief of the Eclipse Navy's flagship.[1]

During a meeting with the Joint Chiefs sometime during the Eclipse War, one Lord suggested that they purpose to the President on the possibility of funding the construction of another Super Star Dreadnought, however this was turned down as Glynda Tarkin, Grand Lady at the time, stated the New Empire needed another 700 billion credits.[1]


  • It was speculated that this warship wouldn't be able to withstand the superlaser found on the Death Stars and Eclipse dreadnought.[1] However, it couldn't be proved due to the cost of the ship and its construction time.[1]


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Tachibana Heavy Engineering Logo Tachibana Heavy Engineering products Tachibana Heavy Engineering Logo
Star Dreadnoughts
Executor-class Super Star Dreadnought
Star Destroyers
Imperial III-class Star DestroyerImperial IV-class Star DestroyerImperial V-class Star DestroyerImperial VI-class Star DestroyerEclipse I-class Star DestroyerEclipse II-class Star Destroyer
Acclamator III-class assault shipAcclamator IV-class assault shipAcclamator V-class assault ship
Tactical Imperial Enforcer series
TIE/LN starfighterTIE/S Shadow starfighterTIE Advanced x1TIE/SF Shadow starfighterTIE Defender/assaultTIE/gt starfighterTIE/IN interceptorPresidency TIE/IN starfighterTIE/sa bomberTIE heavy bomberTIE/D heavy bomber
Battle droids
B4 superior battle droidECLIPSE-class battle droidIMPERIAL-class super battle droidECLIPSE-class T.H.E. droidDroideka Mark VIDELTA-class ultra droid
Automated Systems series
Automated Systems Security DroneAutomated Systems Security Drone HeavyAutomated Systems Security Drone Enforcer
Droid vehicle hybrids
DSD2 dwarf spider droidTHE-N99 Persuader-class droid enforcerArmoured Heavy Assault TankIG-230 Hailfire-class droid tankOG-10 homing spider droid115-class droid assault gunship
Reengineered All Terrain series
All Terrain Security TransportAT-MP Mark IVAT-ST Mark IVAT-ST Mark XAT-ST/A Mark IIAT-TE Mark IIAT-AT Mark IIAT-MIPT
Assault Armour
Mantis-class Assault ArmourMantis-class Assault Armour Mark II
Juggernaut series
A4 Juggernaut/RefittedA4 Juggernaut/AssaultA4 Juggernaut/Troop transportA4 Juggernaut/TransportHAVw AX Heavy Juggernaut
LAAT series
Low Altitude Assault Transport/assaultLight Aircraft Assault Transport
115-A turbolaser115-B turbolaser115-C quad turbolaser cannon115-J heavy turbolaser115-M twin turbolaser115-X heavy dual turbolaser turret
JT-B laser cannonJT-G heavy laser cannonJT-X heavy laser cannonJT-Z quad laser cannon
TX-3 ion cannonTX-4 heavy tri-laser cannonTX-5 heavy quad laser cannonTX-6 heavy ion cannonTX-9 dual ion cannonTX-12 heavy quad ion cannon
HK-5X point-defense cannonHK-5XX point-defense cannon
RX-3 laser cannon
THE-2X grenade cannonTHE-3X proton torpedoTHE-3XX proton torpedoTHE-5X concussion missile
BN ion cannonBN-5 quad ion cannonBN-7 heavy dual ion cannon
DT-240 heavy blasterDC-15F heavy blaster rifleDT-45 blaster rifleDC-15K blaster carbineDTR-61 blaster rifleSE-14 blaster pistolDT-12 blaster pistolDT-24 blaster pistol
THE E-11 series
E-11A blaster rifleE-11F blaster rifleE-11J blaster rifleE-11M blaster rifleE-11R blaster rifle
MX-7 shield generator
KX-56 shielding generatorKX-24 Heavy Energy Shield
PX-4x shield generator